January 30, 2012

There Are No Victims!

Over the next few days, I will discuss how to move beyond your past experiences and become empowered to help the earth and humanity shift into purer (faster-vibrating) planes of consciousness.
One huge step in clearing your energy field and beginning your work with purer frequencies is to stop seeing yourself as a victim—of anything! We create our own circumstances through choices we have made either at a soul level (which may seem involuntary on the physical plane), on purpose, or by default (doing nothing to actively pursue a better outcome). Does this include abuse? Abuse is not something any of us consciously want to manifest, but you are only a victim if you choose to see yourself that way. You can change your mind about the abusive experience and thereby change your future, healing your emotions in the process. In today’s presentation, I will teach you what true forgiveness is.
Why Abuse Occurs
For now, let’s talk about three reasons from an empowered soul perspective as to why abuse occurs:
1. Soul Development
One way to overcome abuse is to accept it as part of your soul’s development plan. The act of abuse could have been arranged by your soul to help you discover a particular strength or virtue, or to allow you to become a mentor to newer souls who are suffering abuse now because they don’t know any better.
In week two’s presentation, Jenna Forrest touched on the levels of consciousness that empaths seem to go through in this current incarnation. Even though we are evolved in other realms or dimensions, most of us voluntarily incarnate at one of the lower levels (shame, guilt, apathy, grief) in order to know first-hand how others feel. We will minister to those younger souls who have not had as many lifetimes to work on spiritual development.
2. Karma and Repaying Debts
I’ve heard people say that abuse occurs as a result of karmic debt being repaid. Personally, the only way I see this happening is if two souls in an abusive relationship while in physical body were to reconnect in the afterlife and continue their battle. It’s likely that these souls (or unresolved issues from the astral body of a soul no longer in body) would attempt to reincarnate into bodies with close proximity to one another so they may continue this abusive behavior in another lifetime. This could be a cycle that some souls perpetuate, but according to The Spirit’s Book, a channeled work by Allan Kardec, this behavior will eventually cease as these souls decide they’ve had enough and finally cross over into the light and develop their souls and begin to vibrate at a purer frequency.
By the way, many empaths are able to see, feel, hear, and sense (even smell) earthbound souls around them. What they are really sensing is the unresolved detrimental issues collected in the astral body of someone who died. Again, this is only energy—we are all energy—everything is energy.
Please note that nothing that happens on this earth plane needs to go with us into the afterlife. We can resolve our issues now. We will take only the positive lessons with us when we leave our physical body, which means our karma (crystallization of the astral body) remains in the earth plane where it continues to affect the collective consciousness of all. I have an MP3 seminar about this on my website: http://weare1inspirit.com/product/seminars
3.  Shirking Responsibility
Another reason an act of violence could happen is because some soul who agreed to protect you did not step in. That soul may have gotten trapped in an unhealthy relationship that didn’t allow them to acquire the lesson they were supposed to learn in order to shield you. In this case, you could blame the other person for allowing the abuse to happen to you, but doing so will permit you to continue to see yourself as a victim, and will delay your healing and keep you from taking the next step toward empowerment as an empath. Our egos will find any excuse to avoid taking responsibility for where we are now. Regardless of what has happened in your past, you are the only one who can make the decision to process (resolve) offenses and get on with your life’s purpose. The longer you hang on to the victim mentality, the more you will continue to attract detrimental energy into your life experience.
You will never be able to fulfill your divine mission for being here if you stay stuck licking your wounds. Do whatever you need to do to heal, forgive, and move forward. Remember, whatever you focus on or think about comes about. Focusing on past abuse is the same as re-abusing yourself daily! In an effort to avoid processing your true feelings, you are picking the crust off of emotional wounds that need to be healed. Focus on the light and love within you. Be good to yourself. The ego will tempt you to feel sorry for yourself and continue to perpetuate the victim mindset. But, you can say no to your ego. You are in charge of whatever you think about. Forgive everything that has happened to you in the past and allow your guides to assist you in becoming the empowered being that you already are.
You can easily transmute detrimental energy for yourself and others and it will not get stuck in your body if you have no similar energy to attract it. By being completely non-resistant, you allow these energies to flow through without affecting you in a harmful manner. It requires acknowledging what you feel and making a conscious decision to not take offense. Just breathe and integrate.  Tom Goode gave us the steps on how to do this in the second session of this telesummit. Please get the replays. There is enough information in them to totally change your life IF you put it into practical application.
This blog post is from a presentation given by Yvonne Perry during the telesummit, Empaths Shifting into 2012. “There Are No Victims” is intended to help empaths release the victim mentality imprinted in their cellular memory, forgive those they see as abusers, move beyond past experiences, and become empowered to help the Earth and humanity shift into purer planes of consciousness. If you would like the MP3 and full transcript of Yvonne’s presentation, as well as Dr. Michael R. Smith’s lecture during this class, go to http://weare1inspirit.com/spiritual-audios.htm#YvonneMichael
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 28, 2012

The Purpose for the Gift of Empathy

The main reason empaths feel drained is because they are picking up negative energy from those around them. This is the slower-vibrating energy that we mentioned earlier this week. It’s not good or bad; it’s simply vibrating at a slower rate or frequency. We pick this up many times in order to transmute it, and free others from karma and suffering. That’s fine if you know how to do that, but you have got to keep your own auric field clear and your own chakras open in order to do this without bringing harm to your own body or causing your own emotions to go awry. One way to ensure that there’s nothing in you for this type of energy to resonate with is to continue with spiritual practices of purification such as deep breathing exercises, prayer, meditation, reading uplifting material, and other such practices.
My book, Whose Stuff Is This?, has an entire chapter of exercises you can do to ground your energy, stay centered, set boundaries, and clear the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. We will do one of these clearing exercises in this session.
Many sacred warrior and wounded healer empaths may believe that healing others is a way to heal yourself and this is true, but this practice if done incorrectly can deteriorate the body and is not recommended because doing so takes away the learning experience of another person.
Empaths have duties such as assisting souls who are incarnating on the earth, healing people and animals, writing and teaching others, providing intuitive readings, changing the weather, working with the earth’s ley/gridlines, assisting souls who are crossing over into the afterlife, working with souls on the other side. Many empaths are also physic mediums who deliver psychic messages, and have many other spiritual tasks to perform. I plan to write a book (Shifting into Purer Consciousness: How to Embrace and Integrate Multidimensional Frequencies will be a self-help manual for dealing with the human experience as effected by spiritual transformation) about how to integrate accelerated frequencies—those frequencies that are vibrating faster—and how to work with those energies. Be on the lookout for that book in 2012.
The main thing that causes empaths to miss accomplishing their joyful, divine mission is the lack of forgiveness. Harboring resentment, attempting to retaliate, seeing yourself as a victim, and blaming others are signs of a soul that has a cluttered energy field. And, these things provide a nice incubator for detrimental energy. Remember, energy attracts more energy like itself. Empaths can’t keep from picking up energy—it’s part of our reason for being in body—but we can keep from carrying it and allowing it to drag us down or make us sick. That’s why it is necessary to talk about the importance of forgiveness. More on that in a few days, so stay tuned to this blog.
This post is from a presentation given by Yvonne Perry during the telesummit, Empaths Shifting into 2012. “There Are No Victims” is intended to help empaths release the victim mentality imprinted in their cellular memory, forgive those they see as abusers, move beyond past experiences, and become empowered to help the Earth and humanity shift into purer planes of consciousness. If you would like the MP3 and full transcript of Yvonne’s presentation, as well as Dr. Michael R. Smith’s lecture during this class, go to http://weare1inspirit.com/product/seminars/empath-telesummit-4/

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 26, 2012

We Are One in Spirit: Chat with Spiritually-minded People

We Are One in Spirit: Chat with Spiritually-minded People: Again, this week I have two speaking engagements to offer the message of oneness and healing. The first opportunity I have is to serve as the host for Dr. Susan Allison. Then, I'll be presenting "Setting Compassionate Boundaries" as part of an online telesummit. Learn more at http://weareoneinspirit.blogspot.com/2012/01/again-this-week-i-have-two-speaking.html

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon.The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.Also check out the audio book now available as an MP3 file.

What Are Lower Vibrating Energies?

First of all, let me state that there is no “good” energy or “bad” energy. We put those labels on things using our human judgment of what we think is pleasant or unpleasant, desirable and undesirable. The frequency of an object, thought, or feeling is nothing more than how fast or slow it vibrates. It is what it is when we do not judge it. The fact remains that we are being urged to awaken to our authentic high-vibrating spiritual selves that only knows pure consciousness. This process requires that we deal with dense energy from the lower realms of consciousness.
We are so much more than we have realized. We have been afraid to know and use our creative power because we don’t want to be thought of a pious or arrogant. Actually, the opposite is true. Humility is power under spirit’s control—not self-abasement that comes from following the voice of ego. We have the very essence of God/Goddess within us. It’s time to decisively manage our energy and use the power of our thoughts to actively create the life and world peace we all seek.
This blog post is from a presentation given by Yvonne Perry during the telesummit, Empaths Shifting into 2012. “There Are No Victims” is intended to help empaths release the victim mentality imprinted in their cellular memory, forgive those they see as abusers, move beyond past experiences, and become empowered to help the Earth and humanity shift into purer planes of consciousness.
Join us tomorrow to learn the purpose for the gift of empathy.
This blog post is from a presentation given by Yvonne Perry during the telesummit, Empaths Shifting into 2012. “There Are No Victims” is intended to help empaths release the victim mentality imprinted in their cellular memory, forgive those they see as abusers, move beyond past experiences, and become empowered to help the Earth and humanity shift into purer planes of consciousness. If you would like the MP3 and full transcript of Yvonne’s presentation, as well as Dr. Michael R. Smith’s lecture during this class, go to http://weare1inspirit.com//seminars/empath .
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 24, 2012

Energy Resonation

Suppose you are in a music store where all is quiet. You pluck the E string on one guitar, and soon all the E strings on the other guitars in the store start to play. This is resonation and this is similar to what is happening to humanity. The earth is changing her vibrational pitch and we are aligning with it. Anything that is discordant with the new frequency must change. The Universe is not taking “no” for an answer regarding things in our lives and society that must be changed in order to accommodate this shift in vibration. We must shift whatever is not in alignment with the new frequency.
We are divinely connected to Source and one another; therefore, we pick up the thoughts, feelings, and energy of those around us in an effort to heal others. When we have lower vibrating energy such as resentment, fear, judgment, prejudice, a sense of entitlement or victimhood, unhealed emotional pain within us, we easily begin to vibrate at the same lower frequency of the energy that is being released in another person. The key here is to integrate anything that is not of a faster vibration of consciousness. When we are clean, clear, and aligned with the frequencies of Light and Love, there is nothing for the discordant energy to attach to.
In addition to this energetic cleansing, our chakras are opening up and psychic and spiritual gifts are coming forth. We are hearing, seeing, and having experiences in higher dimensions or levels of consciousness. We intuitively know when someone is lying to us, we are becoming healers, we are channeling our higher selves and ascended masters, and we are sharing information to help others get free in order to make the shift. This means we are having to deal with all the negative energy stuck in our chakras, body, and auric field. As others release their stuff, we need to make sure we don’t grab it and run with it, thinking it is our own. I’ve began a practice of giving “last rites” to any negative energy I am finished with. As part of the integration process we learned from Dr. Tom Goode in the telesummit, Empaths Shifting into 2012, I’m no longer using the terms “let it go” or “release.” Instead, I am transmuting or changing the slower-vibrating energy into faster-vibrating or purer energy of healing and love and peace, visualizing it falling to earth as golden, glittery sparkles of light to bless all. My intent is to have this exercise make living an authentic life is easier than ever. I encourage you to submit to the process of the refiner’s fire rather than resist it. I’ve had to do that very thing this week as I accepted and integrated a head cold.
The law of attraction and it applies to everyone regardless of whether or not we understand it. The law of attraction says that energy or vibration attracts similar energy. Like the guitars in the music store, we attract by resonation or according to what we think about, what we believe as truth, what is in our auric field, and how we fast our soul’s energy vibrates. People who have tons of negative energy in their fields will no doubt attract more detrimental energy. That's why it is so important to keep our energy field clear.
If you would like the MP3 and full transcript of Yvonne’s presentation from which this material came, as well as Dr. Michael R. Smith’s lecture during this class, go to http://weare1inspirit.com/spiritual-audios.htm#YvonneMichael .

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 22, 2012

Educate Caregivers Regarding Your Empathic Child

Dr. Caron Goode talks about how to support empathic children. She suggests that parents be proactive and not wait for a situation to arise. Explain to teachers, babysitters, grandparents, and caregivers up front that your child has some unique qualities or energetic sensitivity that may be displayed while under their care. Depending upon the age of the child, I can be helpful to either 1.) Empower the child to take responsibility for some situations, or 2.) Educate the caregivers about what is going on with the child spiritually and energetically.
With a younger the child, the caregiver or babysitter has to be told what to expect. Such as in the case with kids who see ghosts.  There was a young native American child raised by his father and his grandmothers. When the child went to school, the father went to school to let the teacher know that if she had any questions about his behavior she should call the father directly.  You see, the boy has been raised by his grandmothers, but oh by the way his grandmothers have passed over. From an early age the boy was trained to speak to his spirit walker grandmothers.  They were with him; they raised him; they taught him how to do spiritual healing because he’s very much a young shaman in training.  The father went to the school and explained specifically that the boy will go up and put his hand on other children’s hearts to soothe them when they are hurt or cry.  One day the teacher came in after a car accident and the boy went up to her and touched her heart.  Because she had been told in advance, she knew what he was doing and she was very accepting of it.
It takes pro-action. We’ve got to help these kids get through. We’ve got to educate so other people can understand and accept them.  Be a champion communicator, get out there and help!  
This is the last segment of Dr. Caron Goode’s discussion on how to support empathic children. You may contact Dr. Goode at http://live-spirit.com/contact-us/.   To get the full transcript and listen to Caron’s entire presentation as well as the teaching of Suzy Miller, you may purchase the mp3s here:
Dr. Caron Goode is the author of ten books, including her latest: Kids who See Ghosts~ Guide Them Through Their Fear. Dr. Goode graduated with a doctoral degree from George Washington University in 1983 and is a licensed psychotherapist.  Formerly a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy Miller is the visionary founder of Blue Star Brilliance LLC and author of AWESOMISM: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 20, 2012

Going from Fizzle to Sizzle is Easy!

Don’t miss this 5-week telesummit with a dozen experts created to help you enjoy and cherish every moment of your relationship with your partner, spouse, child, or friend. The second week will offer four speakers (two on Tuesday and two on Thursday) on the topic of Reflections, Reactions & Responsiveness.
Who Do You Open Your Legs & Your Love To?

TUESDAY, February 14, 2012 at 2:00 PM Central Time - Dr. Caron Goode presents “Five Points about Alignment for Women to Consider before Having Sexual Relations.

Dr. Goode explains: “In my work with women over the years, some describe a phenomenon of feeling different after intercourse with their partner, lover or boyfriend. Through deeper interviews I learned that sensitive women, women whose hearts are too open absorb or take in the emotions or energy of their partner, and feel physically and mentally different, sometimes to their detriment. Four women have allowed me to share their stories to illustrate how it happens and the five points for alignment with your partner clarifies how a sensitive partner can create a sexual symphony, opening connection to the heart for both partners.”

Dr. Goode is the founder of the Heartwise relationship strategies involving alignment through head-heart-gut, which she has written about in her new book From Fizzle to Sizzle, 8 step to relationship repair with her co-author, Dr. Minette Rioirdan. She features her work and classes on http://live-spirit.com/, a learning center with classes, articles, telesminars for intuitive, empathic, spiritual people. The Heartwise strategies are used in coaching through the Academy for Coaching Parents International, where professionals and parents become ACPI Certified Parenting Coaches\Consultants. Heartwise coaching also offers the Certified Intuitive Coac\Consultant certification and parenting intuitive children classes through Live-Spirit.com

Dr. Goode is the author of fifteen books and more than a dozen e-books and trains others in coaching skills, marketing plans to monetize passion, and the use of intuition of parenting, business, living and loving.


Who Do You Love? Teaching Empaths How to Open to Sacred Love

TUESDAY, February 14, 2012 at 2:35 PM Central Time - Yvonne Perry presents the pros and pitfalls of being an empath in an intimate relationship with someone who is/is not an empath. We open our heart to the wrong source when we look to another person to fulfill us, love us, and meet our needs. When that person disappoints or leaves us, we feel betrayed or abandoned.

This presentation will teach you how to activate your heart and connect to the secret chamber of the Sacred Heart where unconditional love abounds. In that limitless place of bliss, you will find everything you have always wanted and needed. You’ve walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, wear a cobra snake for a necktie to keep from being hurt. Now, who do you love?

When an empath or highly sensitive person opens his or her heart to another person (even a stranger) and that person responds with negativity, the emotional impact is keenly felt. When someone we are close to is unkind to us, it’s natural to blame ourselves or try to fix the situation or calm the other person. When we absorb that person’s emotional energy into the cells of our body or the electromagnetic field surrounding our body, these energetic burdens can make us emotionally and physically sick. We want to open our heart to love but we are afraid of getting hurt again. Our protection mechanism urges us to avoid getting too close. Walling off emotionally from our partner can cause the relationship to plummet.

We open our heart to the wrong source when we look to another person to fulfill us, love us, and meet our needs. When that person disappoints or leaves us, we feel betrayed or abandoned. Learn now to operate from that heart of power, you will learn how to allow love to radiate from you so strongly that you no longer absorb detrimental energy from others.

Award winning author, Yvonne Perry tells how she recovered and shares spiritual practices to help other energy-sensitive people clear their energy field, set boundaries, and stay grounded in Spirit in this book, Whose stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You.

The Energy of Relationships, Understanding Yourself and the Way You Relate to and Interact with Others in Your Life

TUESDAY, February 16, 2012 at 2:00 PM Central Time – Michelle Barr presents “The Energy of Relationships, Understanding Yourself and the Way You Relate to and Interact with Others in Your Life.”

Understanding the energetic dynamics of being in relationship can help you identify and clean up what is your own “stuff” playing out and experience relationships in your life that are more fulfilling, healthier and more authentic. Michelle shares with you specifically information about the dynamics of the evolution of intimate relationships and also talks about the interesting ways our children serve as mirrors for us.

Michelle Barr, Owner, CEO of Michelle Barr Unlimited. Michelle is The Sacred Success Coach and the Queen of Inspiring Action. As an Intuitive Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Master Healer, speaker, author, and consultant, Michelle helps people move forward in all areas of their lives. She teaches people to master their emotions, manage their energy, and use their intuition to create a life they love that supports them. This is what she calls Sacred Success. Michelle is devoted to helping Creative and Spiritual people step into who they are and take that out into the world. Her passion is to get people out into the world using their gifts.


Investing In Your Relationship

THURSDAY, February 16, 2012 at 2:35 PM Central Time – We have become a nation of financial experts having lived through an economic recession. We are keeping closer eyes on our finances and have learned strategies that will keep us afloat. Why not use these same strategies that we have mastered in our relationships? I’ll take simple, savvy, familiar and practical money strategies, like “Get Rid of Your Debt” and “Invest Regularly and Diversify” and apply them in ways for couples to implement them in their partnerships.

“America’s Romance Guru,” Leon Scott Baxter, is the author of The Finance of Romance, Out of the Doghouse: A Man’s Secret Survival Guide to Romance and A Labor With Love. He’s spoken to over 20,000 people about love and relationships. His website, CouplesCommittedToLove.com, allows visitors to access his book, articles, reports, seminars and phone coaching. Baxter has been a guest on radio and podcast programs, locally and internationally. He blogs regularly about how popular culture affects relationships, and is a regular guest on the A.M. radio show, “Talking With America.”Leon Scott Baxter has answered nearly 2,000 inquiries as an expert on relationships at AllExperts.com, and is one of the most popular in his field of expertise.

Contact: http://www.couplescommittedtolove.com/
Connect on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FinanceOfRomance
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSfcs39XtP8

You’ll be amazed when you realize how simple it is to repair relationships and reconnect to others through love and joy. Based on Fizzle to Sizzle, the relationship book of the year, this telesummit will help bring back the sizzle into any relationship.

• You need this conference if you want to recapture the romance in your relationship.

• You need this conference if you want to know how to maintain a deeper connection and bond with others.

• You’ll want to sign up to learn more about whether your match is out there and an update on soul mates. Weigh in..are they real or not?

All of the fantastic presenters on this 5-week telesummit have shared the pain and drain of loss, lack of sensitivity, and major transitions like divorce. We have survived and found love again. We will show you how to

• Fall in love all over again with yourself, your spouse, your teen, or your toddler.
• Find the partner of your dreams.
• Improve communication and connection in all of your relationships.
• Approach challenging times with integrity and resolve.
• Know how to repair any relationship at home or at work.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices. Also check out the audio book now available as an MP3 file.

January 19, 2012

Divorced Parenting of Empathic Children

Due to divorce and joint custody arrangements, many children live in two environments. One may be orderly and calm. The other may be haphazard and chaotic. What is done with children in one home can carry over to the other. If one parent understands the empathic child’s sensitivity and the other doesn’t, it can create a huge discordant problem for the empathic child.
In working with parents who are separated or working out a divorce plan for their families, one parent might feed the child sugar and junk food and then send them to the other parent where it takes quite literally a week to help the child change their behavior and get back on course again.  It is imperative that parents teach their children how to take care of their own energy.  For example, there was one child high on the autism spectrum, who went to his father’s where he was teased for his sensitivity. He would go to bed in tears.  He wet the bed and the problem continued to escalate. The mom was a very savvy and smart woman, so rather than keeping him in the victim mode she quickly taught him resilience.  She taught him how to strip the bed before he could be teased.  She taught him how to wash his own sheets and make his bed again before they would jump on him for doing something wrong.  She basically taught him how to take care of himself and he did a very good job.  Definitely being in a home environment where there are emotional connections requires some very specific management. 
Join us tomorrow on this blog for another segment of Dr. Caron Goode’s discussion on how to support empathic children. To get the full transcript and listen to Caron’s entire presentation as well as the teaching of Suzy Miller, you may purchase the mp3s here:
Dr. Caron Goode is the author of ten books, including her latest: Kids who See Ghosts~ Guide Them Through Their Fear. Dr. Goode graduated with a doctoral degree from George Washington University in 1983 and is a licensed psychotherapist.  Formerly a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy Miller is the visionary founder of Blue Star Brilliance LLC and author of AWESOMISM: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 18, 2012

How To Deal With A Narcissist

As a psychiatrist, I strongly believe that it is important to know about the narcissistic personality so you can have realistic expectations when dealing with coworkers, friends, or family members who may have some of these qualities.

In “Emotional Freedom” I describe how to recognize a narcissist. Here are some ways: Their motto is “Me first!” Everything’s all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, crave admiration and attention. A legend in their own mind, the world is reflected in their image. They’ll corner you at a party, recount their life saga. Some narcissists are unlikable, flagrant egotists. Others can be charming, intelligent, caring--that is, until their guru-status is threatened. When you stop stroking their ego or beg to disagree, they cab turn on you and become punishing. Once you catch onto this pattern, a narcissist seems about as charming as a banana peel.

These people are so dangerous because they lack empathy, have a limited capacity for unconditional love. Sadly, their hearts either haven’t developed or have been shut down due to early psychic trauma, such as being raised by narcissistic parents, a crippling handicap both emotionally and spiritually. (The damage of narcissistic parenting is outstandingly detailed in Alice Miller’s Drama of the Gifted Child). Hard as it may be to comprehend, these people have little insight into their actions, nor do they regret them. Though often highly intuitive, they mainly use intuition for self-interest and manipulation.’ As the Hassidic proverb cautions, “There is no room for God in him that is full of himself.”

To find out if you’re dealing with a narcissist, ask yourself the following questions from “Emotional Freedom.”

• Does the person act as if life revolves around him?
• Do I have to compliment him to get his attention or approval?
• Does he constantly steer the conversation back to himself?
• Does he downplay my feelings or interests?
• If I disagree, does he become cold or withholding?
If you answer “yes” to one or two questions, it’s likely you’re dealing with a narcissist. Responding “yes” to three or more questions suggests that a narcissist is violating your emotional freedom.

Narcissists are hard nuts to crack. With these patients, the best I can do is align with their positive aspects and focus on behaviors that they agree aren’t working. Still, even if one wants to change, progress is limited, with meager gains. My professional advice: Don’t fall in love with a narcissist or entertain illusions they’re capable of the give and take necessary for intimacy. In such relationships you’ll always be emotionally alone to some degree. If you have a withholding narcissist spouse, beware of trying to win the nurturing you never got from your parents; it’s not going to happen. Also, don’t expect to have your sensitivity honored. These people sour love with all the hoops you must jump through to please them. If a narcissist is draining you emotionally, use these methods to get your power back.

Lower Your Expectations and Strategize Your Needs

Keep your expectations realistic.
Enjoy their good qualities, but understand they’re emotionally limited, even if they’re sophisticated in other ways. Accepting this, you won’t continue asking something of friends, family, or coworkers they can’t give. Consider this definition of insanity: when you repeat the same actions but expect a different response.

Never make your self-worth dependent on them.
Don’t get caught in the trap of always trying to please a narcissist. Also protect your sensitivity. Refrain from confiding your deepest feelings to someone who won’t cherish them.

Show how something will be to their benefit.
To successfully communicate with narcissists, frame things this way. Stating your needs clearly rarely works, nor does getting angry, or demanding. Alternatively, speak to what means something to them. Instead of saying to your spouse, “I’d really enjoy going to a family dinner,” reframe it as, “Everyone really likes you. They’d be delighted to have you there.” Or instead of saying to your employer, “I’d prefer to work fewer nights,” say, “I can bring in more revenue for your company during these hours.” Naturally, it’s better not to have to contend with the tedious ego-stroking of a narcissist. But if the relationship is unavoidable, use this technique to achieve your desired outcome.

Judith Orloff MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, is author of the New York Times Bestseller Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. www.drjudithorloff.com

Please check out “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series” to find out more about the special method Dr. Orloff recommends to remember your dreams and other topics to build the power within. Stop by
www.youtube.com/judithorloffmd anytime.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 16, 2012

Earth Changes Affecting Empathic Children

The changes the Earth is going through are affecting empaths more than others. A few months ago Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas had a notable 2.4 earthquake.  Within 24 hours Dr. Caron Goode was in bed nauseated. She had to ask her husband Tom to realign the electromagnetic frequency of their home using rocks and crystals.  Caron notes that as she is working with children, she is seeing more acting out. Not aggression, seeming scattered, or unfocused thinking. Rather, she is noticing children who are able to see more into the other realms.  More and more children are seeing spirits and spirit walkers.  So the veil is definitely thinning. 
She is also seeing young adults really ready to take on their mission, really ready to change their life, such as young adults wanting to go to Afghanistan, or making movies for environmental peace.  There’s a huge upswing of chaos and clarity on both ends of the spectrum. 
In January, Yvonne Perry, Dr. Caron Goode, and Suzy Miller, will be sponsoring an entire telesummit on raising energy-aware empathic and sensitive children.  Caron’s book, Raising Intuitive Children, has chapters on the empathic child.  On livespirit.com a program called “Raising Intuitive Children” discusses the empathic child, gives emotional support, and teaches soothing a child to adapt to the environment. Caron also offers one-on-one personal coaching or training. You may contact Dr. Goode at http://live-spirit.com/contact-us/.  
There are two events in the coming months that might interest the adult caregivers of empathic children.  One of them is the telesummit in November, which is for integrating whole heart consciousness. It helps move children and adults out of the fear belt into that space of unity; thereby helping empathic children feel calmer.  Also starting in January of next year, we’ll be offering coaching certifications for people who want to do intuitive coaching.  You can be certified and start a successful home-based business in this field.  If that calls to anyone who wants to become an intuitive coach for parents that want to be intuitive in their parenting, you may contact Dr. Goode at http://live-spirit.com/contact-us/.   

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 15, 2012

Create a Life of Fulfillment, Self-Love, and Joy!

If you’d like to get complete with your past, no matter what challenges or trauma you’ve been through, and create the most amazing 2012 ever, then you want to sign up for “From Trauma to Transformation” Telesummit. If you’re ready to discover how to create a life full of fulfillment, acceptance, self-love, joy and empowerment, then you do not want to miss this event.

The online event starts on January 17, 2012 and runs through March 1st, 2012 and I want you to be a part of it. I look forward to making a presentation about setting boundaries on January 26, 2012 at 7 p.m. CENTRAL). Some of the additional speakers on the panel include Joe Rubino, Dr. Sue Morter, and Dr. Reese. And the best part is, this event is totally free!

There’s no reason to constantly live in emotional pain from the past anymore and we’re going to show you how to come out the other side transformed and fully alive – ready to start living your dreams in 2012.

Find out all the details here…

From Trauma to Transformation Telesummit is an online event providing a wealth of information from happiness, self-esteem to health and much more.

Together, all 13 speakers will cover current challenges such as depression, roadblocks to success, domestic violence, co-dependency, lack of ability to control emotions, and addictions.

All my best,

Yvonne Perry

P.S. Feel free to pass this email onto anyone you know who might benefit from this information!

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices. Also check out the audio book now available as an MP3 file.

January 14, 2012

You Are Hardwired for Relationships, but Not Taught How to Be in Relationship

Long-term relationships tend to get a little stale for some couples. Trying to meet everyone’s expectations in a busy family can leave you fizzled out emotionally. Here is a 5-week telesummit with a dozen experts created to help you enjoy and cherish every moment of your relationship with your partner, spouse, child, or friend. The first week offers four speakers (two on Tuesday and two on Thursday) on the topic of Emotional Clashes & Collaboration.

The Importance of Self-Awareness to Healthy & Successful Relationships

TUESDAY, February 7, 2012 – 2:00 PM Central Time – Many singles as well as couples often experience unresolved issues in their relationships. These include conflicts, power struggles and even repeated breakups. Often those involved don’t understand their part in the failure of the relationship. Dr. Gil will illustrate, with many real-life anecdotes, how factors they are unaware of control their reactions and behaviors lead them to sabotage and harm the relationship: messages they unconsciously internalized; needs, desires and fears that lead them to get into and stay in unhealthy relationships; unrealistic fantasies and expectations about relationships that they hang on to, and other. During the interview Dr. Gil will explain how to develop Self-Awareness, become aware of these factors, de-activate their power and become able to develop and maintain a successful and healthy relationship.
Doron Gil, Ph.D., is an expert on Self-Awareness and Relationships. He is a university teacher, workshop leader, counselor and consultant. Dr. Gil has taught this subject to thousands of students and trained physicians, managers, school teachers and parents on how to develop Self-Awareness in order to expand their personal and professional skills. Dr. Gil has lectured widely on these and related subjects at conferences world-wide, and has written more than 130 articles on this subject.
More on Dr. Gil’s experience, book and articles see his blog: http://self-awareness-and-relationships.blogspot.com Facebook Expert Advice Page: Relationship and Self-Awareness Expert Advice: Doron Gil, Ph.D.


The Globalisation of Love

TUESDAY, February 7, 2012 at 2:35 PM Central Time – Canadian, Wendy Williams, has been married to an Austrian for 13 years and lives in Vienna. Her new book is published on her wedding anniversary, 13th November. In this interview we discover how she created a new term to apply to those in a multicultural marriage – GloLo – and how Williams cleverly chose to include the wisdom of intercultural and relationship experts in order to ensure her book was well-researched and had the authority it needed. This is a humorous book written for real people who recognize their connection despite differences.
The Globalisation of Love is based on dozens of interviews with multicultural couples from around the world. The book includes chapters on multicultural weddings, religion, race, food, language and children and much more. It is both humorous and factual and Wendy includes personal anecdotes from her own experience in a multicultural family. The Globalisation of Love is a must read for anyone who is in a multicultural relationship or thinking about it!
Wendy Williams is the author of The Globalisation of Love, a book about multicultural romance and marriage. Wendy has lived in six different countries and worked internationally for 18 years. She has had lots of multicultural relationships; however revealing the exact number would be unladylike, wouldn’t it? Wendy is Canadian and has been married to an Austrian for thirteen years. They live in Vienna, Austria with their daughter. Wendy coined the term ‘GloLo’ in The Globalisation of Love. She also invented the cocktail GloLoTini. http://www.globalisationoflove.com/


When Values Clash, Relationships Crash

THURSDAY, February 9, 2012 at 2:00 PM Central Time – Dr Minette Riordan -When a couple enters into a romantic relationship, hormones and romance can take over, leaving little time for serious conversation. As the relationship continues and conversations deepen, it’s important to understand your own and your partner’s values. No matter how sexy and romantic your partner might be, if she doesn’t want kids and you do, the relationship will not last. In this call, Dr. Riordan will give some quick tips on identifying values that can help strengthen your existing relationship or determine if your budding romance is headed in the right direction.

Dr. Minette Riordan became certified in 2006 as a Coach for Parents through the Academy for Parent Coaching International. Minette quickly moved from trainee to trainer and now teaches the marketing course for ACPI and co-teaches the adolescent training with Academy founder Dr. Caron Goode. In addition to her work with ACPI, Dr. Minette Riordan has successfully built a multi-media publishing company targeting families in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. She credits her success to learning how to connect with others through networking, referrals, strategic partnerships and an attitude of service to others first. Minette’s secret to sales success is not about winning a numbers game, but playing the people game: cultivating an attitude of curiosity and openness that will quickly help you attract clients and fans.
Prior to starting her company, Minette was an educator who earned her Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1995. She has taught at the university and high school levels, as well as adult education and personal development workshops. She was named the 2009 Small Business Owner of the Year by the Plano Chamber of Commerce and received the 2007 Altrusa Outstanding Women of Today award. Scissortail Publishing has produced North Texas Kids for 9 years, a magazine targeting moms in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. In June of 2011, she is launching a second publication titled by Design: Your Life, Your Business, targeting women business owners. Her passion and joy come from helping others find the information, tools and inspiration they need to succeed. She is living proof that you can have it all: a successful business, healthy marriage and happy kids! Minette lives in Plano Texas with her husband, Brad and her two children, ages 12 and 10.

THURSDAY, February 9, 2012 at 2:35 PM Central Time  - Geoff Laughton is a Relationships Recovery Expert who began Coaching clients in 1997, after spending 16 years in a very unsatisfying Corporate Management career in the Bay Area. He helps people either achieve and/or regain the relationships and lives of their dreams…the potential that they started out with and somehow lost track of. He helps people master all their relationships, both personal & professional, achieving results that typical couples counseling fails to reach.
Geoff helps people be as authentic, empowered, at peace, and as driven by their Spirit’s purpose as they can possibly be. To bring the transformation he helps his clients achieve, Geoff uses his depth of compassion, a fierce advocacy for wholeness & well-being, acute intuitive insights into matters both spiritual and worldly, and his mastery of communication techniques developed through his journey as father of two and husband of 29 years. Geoff’s work has included 7 years with the Mankind Project, a position as a Founding Spiritual Director of the Cornerstones Community Foundation in California, and now counseling individual men and leading men’s groups in the Boulder, Colorado area.
Going from Fizzle to Sizzle is Easy!
You’ll be amazed when you realize how simple it is to repair relationships and reconnect to others through love and joy. Based on Fizzle to Sizzle, the relationship book of the year, this telesummit will help bring back the sizzle into any relationship.
  • You need this conference if you want to recapture the romance in your relationship.
  • You need this conference if you want to know how to maintain a deeper connection and bond with others.
  • You’ll want to sign up to learn more about whether your match is out there and an update on soul mates. All of the fantastic presenters on this 5-week telesummit have shared the pain and drain of loss, lack of sensitivity, and major transitions like divorce. We have survived and found love again. We will show you how to
  • Fall in love all over again with yourself, your spouse, your teen or your toddler.
  • Find the partner of your dreams.
  • Improve communication and connection in all of your relationships.
  • Approach challenging times with integrity and resolve.
  • Know how to repair any relationship at home or at work.
PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices. Also check out the audio book now available as an MP3 file.

January 13, 2012

Advice for Time Management

Is keeping an intuitive child on a schedule necessary?  They tend to operate from a place of “no time.” If time is an illusion, how do we make the most of it? 
Many times the sensitive intuitive children who feel their way become very absorbed in their tasks, studies or artistic expression.  They are not strong attenders of time.  Sometimes in the feeling world of emotion the aspect of time is not anchored.  I answer a lot of that in the book, Raising Intuitive Children, which talks about this specific learning style- energy aware children.  For my own step son who had that issue, we had alarm clocks, yellow sticky notes that we put in his room.  We actually managed the environment to get him where he needed to go with a lot of time prompts including a little kitchen timer when he needed to be on a call for example or get out the door to a school function on time.  So to me, you have to build that in with these children if they are not time savvy. 
Your turn to chime in. What questions do you have for Dr. Goode? Please ask your question as a comment below.
Join us tomorrow on this blog for another segment of Dr. Caron Goode’s discussion on how to support empathic children. To get the full transcript and listen to Caron’s entire presentation as well as the teaching of Suzy Miller, you may purchase the mp3s here:
Dr. Caron Goode is the author of ten books, including her latest: Kids who See Ghosts~ Guide Them Through Their Fear. Dr. Goode graduated with a doctoral degree from George Washington University in 1983 and is a licensed psychotherapist.  Formerly a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy Miller is the visionary founder of Blue Star Brilliance LLC and author of AWESOMISM: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

January 12, 2012

From Fizzle to Sizzle – The Relationship Virtual Conference of the Year

You Are Hardwired for Relationships, but Not Taught How to Be in Relationship
As an intimate partner, you may be required to have empathy, compassion, clarity of viewpoint, fun, sexiness, and even be silent when necessary. Can you match up?
As a parent, you are expected to nurture, play, be available to meet all of your child’s needs, stay connected even through the roughest years, display emotional resilience, and provide leadership for life success, among other expectations that arise with a child’s ages and stages. Can you keep up?
As a colleague, others expect your respect, competence, professional feedback, the ability to analyze, deliver results and keep emotional distance. Can you hold up?
Long-term relationships tend to get a little stale for some couples. Trying to meet everyone’s expectations can leave you fizzled out emotionally.
Going from Fizzle to Sizzle is Easy!
We created this conference because we want you to enjoy and cherish every moment of your relationship with your partner, spouse, child, or friend.
You’ll be amazed when you realize how simple it is to repair relationships and reconnect to others through love and joy. Based on Fizzle to Sizzle, the relationship book of the year, this telesummit will help bring back the sizzle into any relationship.
  • You need this conference if you want to recapture the romance in your relationship.
  • You need this conference if you want to know how to maintain a deeper connection and bond with others.
  • You’ll want to sign up to learn more about whether your match is out there and an update on soul mates. Weigh in..are they real or not?
All of the fantastic presenters on this 5-week telesummit have shared the pain and drain of loss, lack of sensitivity, and major transitions like divorce. We have survived and found love again. We will show you how to
  • Fall in love all over again with yourself, your spouse, your teen or your toddler.
  • Find the partner of your dreams.
  • Improve communication and connection in all of your relationships.
  • Approach challenging times with integrity and resolve.
  • Know how to repair any relationship at home or at work.
Join us for the Preview Call February 2nd to learn about the Contest
In the preview call on February 2, authors Dr. Caron Goode & Dr. Minette Riordan will share 2 of their 8 steps to easy relationship repair, announce the Relationship Contest, which runs February & March 2012, and discuss the prizes and giveaways to celebrate sizzling relationships.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices. Also check out the audio book now available as an MP3 file.