February 17, 2012

Illnesses and Empathy

Dr. Michael Smith is a coach, licensed counselor, healing practitioner, spiritual medium, and self-help author. His book for empaths is Navigating 2012: Thriving in Earth's New Age.  Access Dr. Smith's free materials including his monthly newsletter on (http://www.Empathconnection.com).  
During the telesummit, Dr. Smith was asked, “What do you notice about illnesses and empathy?” To which he replied:
It has been my experience that I’ve noticed, noticed is a word that is helpful for us to use as empaths, the question, what have you noticed.  One of the things that I’ve noticed in working with people we have some common empath clients, to put it that way, we have some commonalities in our experiences about our physical health.  One of the things that I have noticed in working with people is we tend to have illnesses or diseases that are similar to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, some people use an older term which is Epstein bar. These are basically terms that medical science uses to describe a series of symptoms lumped together that they actually have no idea the origin, what creates these illnesses for the most part.  They are kind of shooting in the dark in terms of treating these again, for the most part, big generalization, right that’s just helpful to answer your question here real quickly.  So if you are going to describe these diseases in another way the origin of these diseases one of the ways you could describe it might be to describe it as the human nervous system overtime becoming over tasked through perceiving through the nervous system itself perceiving energy of other people. 
So as empaths that is one of the main things that we do, we’re around people, we perceive them.  Now in addition to perceiving the energy of other people I would say that we’re also in general very energetically sensitive that means, another way of saying that energetically sensitive is that we have seven major chakras in our nervous system in our body.  Chakras can close up and when they close up we can feel ungrounded.  Because our vibration lowers every time those chakras close we take in less prana, we take in less chi, we take in less energy because the valves close.  Over time the nervous system learns that as an empath they close down to protect us from the perception of energy.  The nervous system itself believes it’s doing us a favor and in many cases it might be.  It’s just that overtime chronic closing of our valves leaves us feeling completely drained.  It’s an attempt to get us to change our behavior and that behavior is to get us to stop engaging so much with other people until we learn to raise our vibration and bring in more light to combat (so to speak, I don’t like to use that word), until we can combat to lower vibratory energy that we perceive in other people.”

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon. The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.


  1. Great article. It is so very important for HSP's and other healers to protect their auric field and chakras to prevent taking on the lower energy and dis-ease of others. Thank you for putting this out there.

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment, Cairenn. I'm glad you found the article helpful.

  3. Empaths should smoke weed to help with your chakras and auric field no joke it works very well

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing your thoughts. There are several natural plants that can alter the beta stage of daily awareness, soothe the body, and open awareness to other realms of existence. Unfortunately, weed (marijuana) is illegal in the US, and therefore I cannot recommend it for chakra balance or the alleviation of empathic fatigue. Perhaps the law will one day be changed and the power to choose our personal experience will come without the risk of arrest. Even then, one needs to use discernment and play it safe in regards to the use of these plants.

  4. thanks for this article! I'm highly empathic but I also suffer from many chronic illnesses, including pelvic/reproductive diseases that are very severe and Drs have told me that it's unusual to see someone my age (17) with a case that severe. there's concrete evidence that I have it but I have found with meditation, yoga, and learning to control my energy field, all my symptoms have nearly disappeared and i've been able to go off painkillers (which I found hinder my abilities). it really makes sense that empaths (especially awakened ones) suffer sickness more, since we tend to soak up EVERYTHING. thanks for the article!

    1. I am glad you were able to heal your body naturally! Very thankful the article helped you and that you took the time to leave a comment.

  5. I'm an empath...yeah. I took the entire earths hurting vibration for almost all my life. Always thinking something is wrong with me. Couldn't make friends with people for to long because of being an super duper empath. The last four years felt like pure cancer. But then in the last month I know something is happening. I know something so wonderfully beautifully is happening right now and it's only getting stronger. It feels so good. I'm happy to be in my body.I don't feel all this pain.

    1. Yes, things are changing. We are bringing 5-D concepts of wholeness and oneness into the Earth plane and everyone is feeling it. Our higher or future self that knows we are divine is being embodied. Heaven on Earth!

  6. I never knew people felt good if they really do? I always thought the way I felt was typical and the way we are supposed to feel....hurting pains and exhaustion. I feel the shift is happening for all life and feels the light coming in. I mean I felt this bad for 35 years I'm 35. Now I feel healed in a sense or feel this massive light hit the earth and its increasing. Like God had an organism and isn't angry anymore. But yeah I hope it's all true. We just heal up and feel good no matter what we are doing. We can be healers and heal up others that need it. I feel I've paid my dues but I hope it stays and I'm just kidding myself. I'm an empath like many others and hopefully they feel better and feel they can do their healing work as I feel I can do that too. Yep I sense the entire kingdom has shifted on a good steady pace. Not so vengeful and willing to forgive easier. Yep....feel feel feel that happening. My back and neck always hurt and I have no pains it just disappeared. I have less feelings of desperation but excitment and I got nothing going on. It feels quite good. Take care everybody.

    1. I'm thrilled to learn that you are having such a beautiful shift and no longer trying to carry, clear, or transmute the energy of others. Your own vibration is what you are here to share. By recognizing that you are an expression of the divine, you are making a difference.

  7. Well I have done some studying and I am too an empath. I do not like the constant anxiety i get from my good friend and room mate. I am becomingmore anti-social and quite frankely feel like a plane jane. What can I do to help this as pot does help, but cannot afford the medication. I need to feel again.

    1. In chapter 9 of my book, "Whose Stuff Is This?", I give about two dozens methods on how to work with energy as an empath. Give it a try and see if those methods help you.
