December 30, 2011

Mirror Neurons and Empathy

Dr. Caron Goode’s continuous education, experience in psychology, and professional writing makes her a great resource for parents wishing to create and maintain a nurturing relationship their children. She is the founder of Academy for Coaching Parenting International and During Empaths Shifting into 2012, Caron spoke about working with intuitive children who have the gift of empathy and don’t fit the stereotype that most educational systems cater to.  The following is an excerpt from her presentation.
Meryl Streep said, “The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other.”
Empathy is connecting to another’s feelings and emotional intention. Babies demonstrate empathy in a global sense. Babies respond to other crying babies by also crying.
By the time a child is two and a half years old, he or she has developed a self-identity and understands the feelings of distress belonging to his playmate or parent or sibling. You will see preschool children empathize by reaching out to alleviate another’s distress through words or touch. If a child does not establish a sense of self as different from another, then they’ll mix up the feelings of themselves and others.
By age eight, a child understands the human plight of birth, death, and vulnerability. Children depend upon the demonstrations of responsiveness, warmth, and empathy from the people in their world to continue cultivating connection and empathy within themselves. Otherwise, their ability to remain empathic is up for grabs.
At a basic level, empathy is being attuned to another’s emotions and intentions. The next level of empathy involves taking action to help another, whether alleviating fears and pain or supporting or celebrating someone. Here we can get into the need, desire, or passion to fix others, change others, save others and such. More complex forms of empathy occur when people join together for survival of struggles or to pursue the vision fueled by emotional connectedness. These show us how capable we are of making deep connections. The explanation for these connections comes with the discovery of “mirror neurons.”
At the University of Parma, Italy, researchers found that when macaque monkeys observe another monkey or human perform an action like cracking a nut, the neurons that fire when the monkey itself performs the action also fires in response to watching another individual. Mirror neurons create a neuro-physiological link between one’s own experience and that of another individual. Several studies confirm that when humans observe another person’s intentional action and/or emotional expressions, they activate brain areas that are also engaged when the person would perform the action or experience the emotion himself.
Mirror Neurons are anchored in the brain and it’s one of the ways in which the process of sensation, feeling, and emotions are patterned in the body.  It is the way in which we learn from each other and feel in a similar way. It doesn’t mean that we need to take them on. We are still responsible for our own integrity of emotion.  There’s not a division between what happens in our brain and what happens in our body.  It’s the same.  I’m using these terms synonymously.  Mirror neurons anchor a feeling but it may be more precise to say that if it becomes something emotional then we have an emotion memory there—an event that’s associated with that feeling. In such cases, it becomes emotion.
If you have a question for Dr. Goode, please leave it as a comment below. You may contact Dr. Goode at  
Join us tomorrow on this blog for another segment of Dr. Caron Goode’s discussion on how to support empathic children.
Dr. Caron Goode is the author of ten books, including her latest: Kids who See Ghosts~ Guide Them Through Their Fear. Dr. Goode graduated with a doctoral degree from George Washington University in 1983 and is a licensed psychotherapist.  Formerly a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy Miller is the visionary founder of Blue Star Brilliance LLC and author of AWESOMISM: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 27, 2011

Astral Travel through Full-Wave Breathing

Why do some people do astral travel while using full-wave breathing?

If you do breathe work sessions you may travel astrally because deep breathing taps into our unconscious mind. As you relax, your cells, the edges around the body structure, the electromagnetic field, and your energy field begin to soften, so it’s easier for some people to come and go from the body. Emanuel Swedenborg, the Christian mystic, wrote all of his wondrous works using a breathing technique in which he held his breath until he left his body. So if you’re one of those fortunate people who can come and go from the body and thereby know of your own immortality through experience, I would celebrate it rather than find out why it happens to you, it’s a gift. See a video demonstration on how to do Full-Wave Breathing at

This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” 

Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.


PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.


December 23, 2011

Dealing with Issues that Come Up During Full-Wave Breathing

If Full-Wave Breathing brings us more to the present moment, why do we experience unresolved stuff when we’re doing this type of breathing.

We actually live in a spiral. We are not ascending in a straight line. We may handle something today then as we go around the spiral, it comes up again at a higher level with a greater level of awareness than we had before. So it really never was resolved or settled completely. You may say, “I thought I forgave that person.” Well you did. Now maybe you need to move beyond forgiveness to see that the person was innocent to begin with, so there was no need for your forgiveness. Before, you had been blaming and forgiving repeatedly. And now at this level of the spiral where this person came up again, you don’t forgive them this time; you simply acknowledge that they were doing the best they could under the circumstances in which they found themselves. You accord them their innocence and move on.

If you are looking to solve a problem or look for some creativity, set your intention on this before you begin the full-wave breathing session. If it’s a relationship issue, ask for clarity. Then breathe. The super oxygenation that takes place and the openness that is created in the mind body spirit system allows for the activation of insights and creativity.

As far as physical healing is concerned, Tom says, “I’ve had people with disease in varies parts of the body, breath light using the pattern into the affected areas of the body. I’ve had people with hepatitis C be able to breathe into their liver and change its composition. What I can certainly say is that it’s worth the experiment and there’s nothing contraindicated in having more oxygen and more energy which is what you’re going to get with Full-Wave Breathing.

Full-Wave Breathing is the Swiss knife of transformational and self-help techniques. You can use it virtually for anything at the physical level, emotional level, mental level, and the spiritual level. So begin today and see what happens. See if you feel better in ten days and if you do, keep it up.” See a video demonstration on how to do Full-Wave Breathing at

This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at

Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life. He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 20, 2011

Keeping Entities Away at Family Gatherings

The holidays are here and that means many of us will be visiting with family members. The best way to keep entities from affecting you is to raise your personal vibration, keep your aura close to your body, and remove negative or stuck energy so these beings are no longer attracted to you. Because we get so many requests for this type of information, Yvonne Perry, Dr. Caron Goode, and Ranoli recorded a 90-minute class on how to safely deal with earthbound souls and remove them from your personal auric field or physical property permanently.

Earthbound spirits feed off of our energy and target humans who have a similar fixation as their own: drug or alcohol abuse, emotional indulgences, trauma, abuse, or someone who is ungrounded and not fully participating in their own spiritual development. When the earthbound spirit finds a host in a state of confusion, having weak or no boundaries, it attaches itself to the human’s energy field. This is not a possession, but a person with an entity attachment will feel out-of-sorts, be filled with dysfunctional thoughts, emotions, and have cravings that are not their own.

Purchase the MP3 audio for $12.00.

Yvonne Perry is the author of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. Her sensitivity to the spirit realm has allowed her to better understand how earthbound souls operate, what they need/want from humans, and how to send them into the light in a compassionate manner.

Dr. Caron Goode is the author of Raising Intuitive Children and Kids who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them Through Their Fear. She graduated with a Doctoral Degree from George Washington University and is a licensed psychotherapist. In addition, she holds the titles of National Certified Counselor and Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association.

One of the few Holistic Home Inspectors in the United States, Ranoli is an Earth Acupuncturist and a student of Geobiology. She believes that everything emanates an energy field and that these electro-magnetic emanations affect the health and well-being of everyone and everything. A certified Heart and Soul Practitioner of the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing, Ranoli holds advanced degrees in metaphysical studies, feng shui, and spiritual counseling.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

A Phenomenal Experience

During the empathy telesummit, Dr. Tom Goode mentioned a story about a phenomenal experience he had when he was in his thirties. He had lived with so much pain up to that moment. All his life he had wanted to make a great impact to assist humans. During his experience, he was in the light and was the light. He saw everything—more than could be explained, but he experienced the rest of his life in that instant. Then he came back to the body.
He asked, “What do I make of that?” The answer I got was “breathe.” One word, forty years, and he says he is still finding out. Tom studied other methods of breathing and took training in several of them, including the yogic breathing and rebirthing, and noticed that no one was breathing in the body. People were breathing in their chests and through their noses, but nobody was using the whole breathing mechanism.
If you’re an athlete and you run, your body runs out of oxygen, your mouth automatically opens so you can take more oxygen in. Think about what would happen if we breathe that way but do not exercise or do any physical work? What would happen is all of that excess energy produced through this kind of breathing would go to the cells and clean them out. Powerful, powerful detoxing takes place at the cellular level just through breathing.
If you don’t think it’s an exercise, try it for five minutes and see for yourself. It’s very simple, but it’s not necessarily easy; it takes effort and most people don’t have the muscle tone in the breathing muscles of the body—the diaphragm and ribs. The diaphragm is such a strong muscle; its tone comes back quickly. So we rebuild the system as we rebuild the habit of healthy breathing that we had as children.
Notice a child with their little belly stuck out in front of them, we call them toddlers but actually they are breathing through the belly. Every time we were yelled at, we went “‘ahh” and sucked in our belly. Every time you weren’t allowed sound, you stored the startled response. By the time you reach age 30, you’ve got all this stress stored at the cellular level, and it’ll kill you if you don’t resolve it. If you don’t integrate those energies...when we talk about stuff coming up, it’s stuff that’s yet unresolved. We solved the problem we had initially by holding our breath and not feeling it. Now as adults we have a chance to integrate it, feel it, let it be, get on with it, breathe it in, breathe it up, pass it by. Again, again, and again.
This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at
Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

How is Your Breath?

I’m not talking about having halitosis; I’m talking about your lung power!
Most people don’t breathe in ways that are life-sustaining. In fact, they are life draining. Eighty to ninety percent of people are shallow breathers who breathe only in the chest. As a result, their organ system doesn’t get the natural massage that it would otherwise get with deep breathing. So re-build the habit of breathing deeply no matter what your condition—I usually don’t find any contraindication for having more oxygen and more relaxation, which is the result at the physiological level. See a video demonstration on how to do Full-Wave Breathing at .
You can get Dr. Tom Goode’s workbook and the Breathe and Grow Rich e-book to support Full-Wave Breathing. It will take you step-by-step to building healthier core energy so that you don’t get ill anymore. It’s been 40 years since Tom’s body has had a cold. It just doesn’t have any use for it or any need for it. What I call “The Diabetic Episode” was to teach me. It gave me material for another book and gave me another clean out and re-energization of the body. So I’m on the celebration end of that.
This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at
Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 17, 2011

Practicing Detachment

As an empath sometimes we walk into an energy field. For example, you may walk into a public place where it just feels like “icky” energy. The full wave breath has been effective to help transmute that type of energy if you stay grounded.
Let’s imagine that we’re breathing from the center of the earth up into the heart; let’s imagine that we’re breathing from the central sun through the upper chakras down into the heart. Thus, when we remain heart centered, that situation will be self-resolving.
For example, let says we go into a room of three-week-old puppies.  It looks chaotic and we certainly don’t want to get down on the floor with them and their odors, sounds, and excrement. Yet we can feel involved energetically as we look at a puppy puddle.  So, we would breathe up into the heart and down into the heart simultaneously to maintain our center so that we can observe the action that is taking place without feeling called to it or involved with it. In other words, we are able to stay detached because we’re strong within our own center. My practice of this technique over the years was originally responsible for the development and the refinement of the Full-Wave Breath.
I used to practice by sitting in the malls and learning to tune out the thoughts and feelings of the people that pass by. I practiced staying centered within myself, breathing from the Earth, and breathing from the center of the star system and the central sun. It’s all us anyway. If we’re upset when encountering a group like that, it is probably because we’re being reminded that we have a judgment about ourselves. It is being depicted in those with this type of energy. Their energy resonates with or affects us because it is based upon a belief that we have about ourselves.
This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at
Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life  He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 16, 2011

Working with Ascended Masters for 2012 Shift

In addition to this energetic sensitivity, our chakras are opening up and psychic and spiritual gifts are coming forth. We are hearing and seeing in other dimensions. We intuitively know things, we are bringing forth skills we used in other lifetimes, we are becoming healers, we are channeling our higher selves and ascended masters, and we are sharing information to help others make the evolutionary shift.

Some souls are unknowingly working with ascended masters to help the Earth and humanity shift into purer (not higher) planes of consciousness. They are receiving intense and pure energy in their bodies in order to anchor it in the Earth plane. However, this is causing some emotional, mental, and physical discomfort. Moreover, these empathic healers are also trying to heal their own past. The main reason they feel drained is because they are also picking up negative energy from those around them in order to transmute it, and free others from karma and suffering.
Many of us have duties such as assisting souls who are incarnating into the earth, healing people and animals, writing and teaching others, providing intuitive readings, changing the weather, working with the earth’s gridlines, assisting souls to cross over into the afterlife, working with souls on the other side, delivering psychic messages, and doing many other important spiritual tasks.
Each embodied soul needs an anchor on the other side to stabilize vibration of the physical body on earth. We wear the vibrational frequencies of those we align with and naturally the purer the frequency, the better it feels. Some fully trained empaths are able to use their chakras and subtle bodies as channels similar to high-voltage transformers that step down intensely vibrating frequencies into a more useable and less harmful current that can be accepted by humanity. The role of some empaths and walk-ins is to allow the ascended masters to send purer frequencies of energy from cosmic, solar, and multidimensional sources. This makes it ever so important to be connected to the Universal Heart and operate from a place of unconditional love.
Because this mission is something agreed to before incarnation, not everyone is expected to do this work. However, some of you have had a near-death or life-transforming experience that has caused spiritual power surge. Through that experience, you emerged as a different person. You have brought in accelerated frequencies that your human body is not quite ready to manage. You are constantly being fed additional frequencies from companion beings of light. When there is a lot of clutter in the personal heart or subtle bodies, this intense and high-vibrating energy gets stuck in the body rather than flowing through as intended. It can feel like an ungrounded electrical current that jolts the body, mind, and emotions of the recipient. Understandably, this can be disturbing in many ways. Thus, it is very important to get past our own "stuff" and start doing the work we were sent here to do. I refer you to my book, Whose Stuff Is This? , to help clear your electromagnetic field and ground your energy.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 15, 2011

How To Deal With A Control Freak

Judith Orloff MD

As a psychiatrist, I have observed that relationships can be one of the major sources of exhaustion for my patients. In “Emotional Freedom” I discuss how to deal with different kinds of draining people to avoid getting fatigued, sick, or burned out. One of these is the control freak.

It’s important to identify if you are dealing with a control freak then develop healthy strategies to communicate. These people obsessively try to dictate how you’re supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything; disagree at your peril. They’ll control you by invalidating your emotions if those don’t fit into their rulebook. Controllers often start sentences with, “You know what you need?”…then proceed to tell you. They’ll sling shots like, “That guy is out of your league” or” I’ll have dinner with you if you promise to be happy.” People with low self-esteem who see themselves as “victims” attract controllers. Whether spouting unsolicited advice on how you can lose weight or using anger to put you in your place, their comments can range from irritating to abusive. What’s most infuriating about these people is that they usually don’t see themselves as controlling--only right.

Control freaks are often perfectionists. They may feel, ”If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” Personally, I can relate to this attitude, though I’m getting better at delegating. Controllers are also controlling with themselves. They may fanatically count carbs, become clean freaks or workaholics. Conventional psychiatry classifies extreme cases as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder--people are rigidly preoccupied with details, rules, lists, and dominating others at the expense of flexibility and openness.


• Does this person keep claiming to know what’s best for you?
• Do you typically have to do things his way?
• Is he so domineering you feel suffocated?
• Do you feel like you’re held prisoner to this person’s rigid sense of order?
• Is this relationship no fun because it lacks spontaneity?

If you answer “yes” to 1-2 questions, it’s likely you’re dealing with a controller. Responding “yes” to 3 or more questions suggests that a controller is violating our emotional freedom.

Use the following methods from “Emotional Freedom” to deal with controllers

Emotional Action Step. Pick Your Battles and Assert Your Needs

1. The secret to success is never try to control a controller
Speak up, but don’t tell them what to do. Be healthily assertive rather than controlling. Stay confident and refuse to play the victim. Most important, always take a consistent, targeted approach. Controllers are always looking for a power struggle, so try not to sweat the small stuff. Focus on high-priority issues that you really care about rather than bickering about putting the cap on the toothpaste.

Never make your self-worth dependent on them.
Don’t get caught in the trap of always trying to please a narcissist. Also protect your sensitivity. Refrain from confiding your deepest feelings to someone who won’t cherish them.

2. Try the caring, direct approach
Use this with good friends or others who’re responsive to feedback. For instance, if someone dominates conversations, sensitively say, “I appreciate your comments but I’d like to express my opinions too.” The person may be unaware that he or she is monopolizing the discussion, and will gladly change.

3. Set limits
If someone keeps telling you how to deal with something, politely say, “I value your advice, but I really want to work through this myself.” You may need to remind the controller several times, always in a kind, neutral tone. Repetition is key. Don’t expect instant miracles. Since controllers rarely give up easily, be patient. Respectfully reiterating your stance over days or weeks will slowly recondition negative communication patterns and redefine the terms of the relationship. If you reach an impasse, agree to disagree. Then make the subject off limits.

4. Size up the situation
If your boss is a controlling perfectionist--and you choose to stay--don’t keep ruminating about what a rotten person he or she is or expect that person to change, Then operate within that reality check. For instance, if your boss instructs you how to complete a project, but you add a few good ideas of your own, realize this may or may not fly. If you non-defensively offer your reasoning about the additions, you’ll be more readily heard. However if your boss responds, “I didn’t say to do this. Please remove it,” you must defer because of the built-in status difference in the relationship. Putting your foot down--trying to control the controller---will only make work more stressful or get you fired.

People who feel out of control tend to become controllers. Deep down, they’re afraid of falling apart, so they micromanage to bind anxiety. They might have had chaotic childhoods, alcoholic parents, or experienced early abandonment, making it hard to trust or relinquish control to others, or to a higher power. Some controllers have a machismo drive to be top dog in both business and personal matters--a mask for their feelings of inadequacy and lack of inner power. To assert territorial prowess, they may get right up in your face when they talk. Even if you take a few steps away, they’ll inch forward again into your space.

When you mindfully deal with control freaks, you can free yourself from their manipulations. Knowing how they operate will let you choose how to interact with them.

Judith Orloff MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, is author of the New York Times Bestseller Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness.

Please check out “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series” to find out more about the special method Dr. Orloff recommends to remember your dreams and other topics to build the power within. Stop by anytime.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 14, 2011

Defeating the Symptoms of Aging

The symptoms of premature aging are death by degree and all of that is tied to your oxygen intake and the renewal system. You’re told as part of the traditional medical practice that by the time you’re 60 you have half of the vital capacity than you did when you were 30. And you know what? The lungs do not shrink. They are the only ones of all the organ system that don’t shrink, so there’s no reason why at age 60, you can’t have an equal or better life force energy command than you had at age 30. It’s not inevitable. Yeah, if you don’t exercise that part of the body you will lose your flexibility, you will lose your respiratory power, and as you find out you have any more joy juice. We call this first exercise the joy breath, where you are just doing the belly push-ups, start there. If it feels unnatural just do it for a few days; work up to 100 breaths. I know you will have a very successful integration. So I’m ready for questions.
Breathe faster in the morning and slower in the evening is the first thing that I would suggest for you. The body is most easily brought into sleep by having the exhale longer than the inhale. When you heard me demonstrate you can hear that the inhale was long and the exhale was short, and that’s very energizing for the morning breath. For the evening breath, reverse the procedure. Good point. It’s deceptively simple and amazingly, profoundly effective.
Deep breathing brings issues from your subconscious and helps clear out your body as well as your chakras and all of the fields around your body.
Full-wave breathing strengthens an empath’s capacity or strength or resilience because it strengthens the individual’s personal energy. Historically we have been shown how to deal with our sensitivity in a world where there may be a great deal of negativity. One is to wear amulets or carry stones so we don’t absorb negative vibrations. Two is to call upon protection and surround ourselves with light. The third way, which happens automatically when your energy field is strong enough, is to energize the inner light through breathing. Then, you don’t have to deal with it mentally because it doesn’t come into your field because your own emanation of energy is so great that you don’t get stuck with what we would think of as “somebody else’s stuff” or an awareness that persists. In other words, it brings you back to center and empowers you as the individual.
The breath goes first to the belly, the second goes to the heart and the third goes to the throat. We might say it’s ABC or “Abdomen, Belly, Chest” in our steps one, two, and three, and yes, that’s where you are breathing: down deep, in the middle, and up top. See a video demonstration on how to do Full-Wave Breathing at
This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at
Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life  He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 12, 2011

Whose Stuff Is This is Now an Audio Book in MP3 Format!

Whose Stuff Is This? is now available as an audio book. Listen to the MP3 while you travel!

You may have read my book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. Now you have an understanding and are working on managing your energy. Knowing you are empath makes sense to you and you’ve tried to explain to your family members why you are so sensitive at times.

Maybe the one person, who really needs to understand you, is not the type who would sit down and read my book, but perhaps they would listen if someone read it to them. Whose Stuff Is This? Audio Book is the answer to your dilemma. Recorded in MP3 format, it will explain the psychological aspects of empathy and help others understand the psychic ability you have been blessed with.

This MP3 audio book is nearly five hours long and contains all 12 chapters of the best-selling book, Whose Stuff Is This? for empathic people who want to wisely manage their energy. $8.99

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

Raising Earth Vibrations

Our planet is going through a major cleansing and its vibration is rising in frequency. This is manifesting as tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, solar flares, meteorites, and such. We are interconnected with the planet and everything on it and thus, as the planet is evolving, we are feeling this urge to purge—inward and outward. It appears that darkness is rising to the surface because it can no longer exist at a higher frequency. We see this as government upheaval, economic insecurity, youth rioting, depression, loss of jobs, relationships failing. There is a spiritual purpose to all the changes we see going on around us.
Because we are so divinely connected to one another, we are picking up the thoughts, feelings, and energy of those around us in an effort to heal others. Naturally, when we have dark energy such as resentment, fear, judgment, prejudice, a sense of entitlement or victimhood, unhealed emotional pain within us, we easily begin to vibrate at the same frequency of the energy that is being released in another person. This can manifest as illness or emotional turmoil. The key here is to let go of anything that is not of the Light.
When we are clean, clear, and aligned with purer vibrations and frequencies of Light and Love, there is nothing for discordant energy to attach to. There is no judgment to those who have manifested an illness or whose lives have fallen apart due to the stress created by this shift into purer consciousness. It may be this imbalance or disease that brought you to this blog today so you can find answers and get the help you need. Whatever you are now experiencing is simply a step on the path that is leading you to a place where there is no disease or trouble—where there is nothing but love and all is well. That sacred, holy place is the Universal Heart and it is already accessible.
Dealing with the stuff that doesn’t serve the Light can be scary. The end result will be worth the effort it takes, but the process can be pretty messy and upsetting. Families and relationships can be severely tested through hardship. Tested by fire we will be refined as pure gold—all impurities will be removed.
My book, Whose Stuff Is This?, has an entire chapter of exercises you can do to help clear the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. If you are struggling today, I suggest doing one of those clearing exercises. I also have MP3 meditations to connect you to the Universal Heart. See
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 11, 2011

How Full-Wave Breathing Can Heal

by Dr. Tom Goode

About four months ago, I went in for a checkup and the blood work said the body had become diabetic. Eek shriek, loss of vision, loss of limbs, shortened life, heart problems, circulatory problems, going blind! Four months later, there is no diabetic condition. Well how can that happen?  How would I deal with this news?

Step one was acceptance. Even though I’ve always been the healthy guy and never had a problem because of the care that have been taking of the mind-body-spirit system, I had to accept the condition. You can’t deny the blood work. Can’t deny the symptomology. It’s there. Well, can I allow it to be there? Can I really surrender to the fact that the body has this condition that has come about for a multitude of reasons? Not necessarily that anything was wrong, but surely some things needing addressing. Well I passed through acceptance and allowance pretty quickly and got to embracement. How can I embrace this thing? This disease that is terminal and progressive has no cure according to traditional medical models. Well I would do everything that I knew and could find out what to do if I was going to embrace it. I would mind the dietary regimes. I would check the Asians, the Indians, the western medicines, the Europeans, to see what herbs, chronics, supplements, vitamins could be brought to bear. And in doing that, four months later there is not a trace of it in the blood. Then my medical practitioner said I could stop taking the drugs. I said, “Good because I never started taking them.” This had all been done through the integration process: Acceptance, allowance, embracement, and celebration.

And so I invite you to integrate very simply as you lay in bed by putting your hand on your lower abdomen beneath the naval. With your mouth open because you have to get oxygen, oxygen is important, you inhale and push your belly up and then you relax. All the emphasis, all the effort, is directed towards the inhale. So I’m breathing in light love and joy. Peace, harmony, balance. Ease, exuberance, and enthusiasm. And every affirmation, every feel-good thought I can bring to bear. This will prepare me and recalibrate my system for this new day. This is another form of integration. I’ve accepted that the day is new. I’ve allowed for everything to be different. I’m embracing the fact that this is a new opportunity for growth and celebration.

This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” 

Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.

See a video demonstration on how to do Full-Wave Breathing at



December 10, 2011

Parenting Classes for The Next Generations

Many parents, grandparents, and teachers are guardians of intuitive children. Since these adults did not have a spiritually-advanced role model when they were children, many are perplexed when trying to deal with children of today, who openly exhibit spiritual gifts. There are 12 modules in this class—each one is less than ten minutes. Each module outlines an example in story format of how to deal with particular situations such as . . .

• What to do when your child sees ghosts or angels

• How to empower a child to discover his spiritual mission on Earth

• Negotiating with a child who doesn’t want to cooperate

• What to do when your family experiences the death of a pet

• Caring for the environment

• How to support a child who is afraid of storms

• How to teach a child to meditate and listen to inner guidance

• How to encourage a child who has the gift of healing

• Accepting and appreciating diversity

• Supporting a child when a new baby is on the way (also thoughts on miscarriage)

• Teaching a child to love and respect himself

• How to teach a child to be honest

The online modules are conducted via video courses. Learn more at

Also see for more online parenting sessions.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 9, 2011

Performing a Sacred Ritual with Candles

There is no set manner or prescribed formula that you must follow for your candle ritual. It doesn’t have to be on the full/new moon or at a certain time of day. A ritual is a personal request for divine help, so if you are being led to conduct a ritual, trust that the energy you need is available.

You may have other methods you like better, but here are some basic steps that I use. They don’t have to be done in this order.
  1. Choose a candle. When it comes to choosing a candle, don’t be thrown by the formulas assigned to certain colors such as black for banishing and white for clearing. If you are drawn to a particular color or only have a limited choice, go with whatever suits you at the time.
  2. Light the candle and ask for your higher self and spiritual guidance to assist you.
  3. Simply state what you want to occur as a result of your ritual. The energy will follow your intention.
  4. Listen to your inner guidance to see if there is a comforting message or action you need to take in order to accomplish your goal for the ritual.
  5. Write down what you hear.
  6. Thank your guides and extinguish your candle. All these rules about not blowing out the candle are fairy tales. You can blow or snuff it—whatever suits your fancy.
Be sure to follow through with the message you received during the ritual. Don’t worry if you didn’t hear or see anything. The message may come later, so look for the signs you are given.

Well, what do you think? What is your method for conducting a ritual to access higher wisdom? Please share by leaving a comment below.

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PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 8, 2011

How to Do the Full Wave Breath

How do you start your day? One of the things I recommend is to recalibrate your energy system for the “now” day through the use of breathing before you get out of bed. You don’t have to lie there for minutes unending. Ten, twelve, or fifteen breaths are sufficient. If your intention is to align with the energies of the day, prepare to see miracles, and search yourself as the spiritual being that you are. In other words, you can do this all yourself. Yes, we’ll use all of our tools such as crystals, Bach flower remedies, affirmations, etc.; I think of these as toys. When we’re at the end of these kinds of adventures, we get to reflect and celebrate what took place.
The Full Wave Breath wave begins deep and low in the body, and then with muscular action makes it three parts. The first part, you push out the lower abdomen, then you pull it up muscularly to focus in the solar plexus, and then you move it up all the way into the chest and back of the neck, and then without effort, relax. Let the air exhaust itself; allow the exhale there’s no effort involved whatsoever. So you get full relaxation and energize in the inhale. Now if you do that about three times and you haven’t been breathing that way (most people haven’t), you’ll start to get a little buzzy or a little dizzy because you are super charging your mind-body-spirit system and bringing it more energy—prana according to the Hindus, chi according to the Asians—than it’s used to having.
It takes a while for you to get used to how this thing is going to work and how you’re going to energize. This integration process where you’re constantly integrating the new lessons, new awarenesses, the new growth is supported fully through your breathing. You may breathe five or ten minutes at a time working your way up to 100 breaths. You can hear the three steps. They will smooth out so that it does sound like this: (demonstration) as the body fills up with air and then the waves are released. The wave comes in and is pulled up and released. You breathe through the mouth because you get half again as much oxygen and you bypass the left brain/right brain alternation that occurs naturally throughout the day as your breathe through your nostrils.
So there’s a purpose here, which is to go to higher mind for this exercise by breathing through the mouth. The rest of the time you breathe through the nostrils—that’s the way the body is built—and yet for this exercise you’re going to breathing through the mouth. The full wave breathing instruction is on the website The 21st Century Healing Book will tell you the story of people who are practitioners of the breath and have used the breath to heal the most amazing variety of difficulties and diseases. Many individuals who had given up on traditional medical practice found their health through breathing a Full Wave Breath. It works because you’re breathing in life; and the more of that you get, the better off you are.
This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at
Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation. See a video demonstration on how to do Full-Wave Breathing at .

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 7, 2011

Quick Reference of Exercises and Affirmations for Empaths

Excerpted from Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, this e-book contains affirmations and exercises to help highly sensitive people manage energy and develop the intuitive gift of empathy.

Keep this handy resource close at hand (in your iPhone or iPad) for when you need to remember how to ground and center your energy or take a power break and regain clarity as an empath.

Available for Kindle $2.99

December 6, 2011

What are the 7 Graces of Marketing and Life?

A sneak peek into author Lynn Serafinn's new paradigm

If you want to dive more deeply into the topic below, please join Lynn and 23 other guest speakers at "The 7 Graces of Marketing Telesummit" on December 6th-9th. Register FR*EE at

My friend and colleague, Lynn Serafinn, has just published her new book The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell. The ideas she presents in this 400+ page book are a call to action, not only to business owners and marketers, but to everyone one of us as a consumer. I'm very excited about her book, and about her new paradigm "The 7 Graces of Marketing". Today, I asked Lynn to give us a short overview of "The 7 Graces", and how they pertain not only to business and marketing, but also to life in general. This will be a whirlwind tour of these ideas (after all, the book is over 400 pages long), but I think you will get a taste for what they're about, and hopefully think of ways to apply them in your own business and life.

*  *  *  *  *

Lynn's sneak peek into the 7 Graces paradigm:

Grace #1: Connection
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Disconnection". Connection is at the foundation of everything in life—Connection to Self, Source, others, our businesses, and our audience—determine how effectively and authentically we communicate and conduct our lives. When business owners are disconnected from Self, their businesses cannot be genuine representations of who they are. And the problem is, as businesses get bigger and bigger, that Connection becomes increasingly difficult to maintain. When business owners are not connected to Source and others, it opens to door to exploitation of both natural resources and people. Connection is the first of the 7 Graces, because without it the other Graces cannot manifest.

Grace #2: Inspiration
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Persuasion". The literal meaning of the word "Inspiration" means "to breathe life into". As business owners, we have a choice to be "life giving" to our audience or "life robbing". Persuasion, wherein we will do anything and everything to make a sale/profit, is life robbing. As business owners, it is our responsibility to "feed" society, and thus ensure not only that our products and services are life-giving, but also that our communications (marketing) is life-giving. For marketing to be filled with the "Grace of Inspiration", it should never incite fear, anxiety or feelings of inadequacy.

Grace #3: Invitation
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Invasion". Nearly every form of marketing we see today is invasive. Our attention span is continually interrupted, whether it is through television/radio adverts, pop up messages, uninvited email adverts, cold-calling or billboards. As business owners and marketers, we need to bring back the "Grace of Invitation" into our communications. This means that when visitors come into our "space" (our website, our office/shop), we treat them like respected guests, offering them hospitality and generosity. Conversely, when we come into our customers' space (as when we send out emails), we must do so with courtesy and care, ensuring we never become the dreaded "houseguest from hell".

Grace #4: Directness
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Distraction". So much modern advertising depends upon Distraction to seize and maintain our attention. Nearly every advert you see will utilise random brand identity triggers and humour to get us to pay attention. What is wrong with this is that people end up buying products simply because they remember the advert, and not necessarily because they have been given direct, clear information about the product or service. Directness is simple: we marketers need to get back to "telling it like it is" instead of hyping up our businesses. The public need to be informed and empowered. The Grace of Directness allows that to happen.

Grace #5: Transparency
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Deception". Deception in marketing is rife, but is sometimes extremely subtle. In the book, I give many examples of how language and imagery are often used in a deceptive way in marketing, where technically (and legally) the message is "true", but the unconscious message we perceive is untrue. Transparency literally means "to shine light through". When we are Transparent in marketing and in life, we are not merely being honest, but we are also allowing the true intention behind our thoughts, words and deeds to be seen and heard clearly. When we walk in Transparency, both in business and in life, we are walking in the Essence of who we really are.

Grace #6: Abundance
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Scarcity". The chapter on Scarcity in the book is one of the biggest, because it's simply such a massive topic. Scarcity marketing is all around us, and it appears in so many forms, from limited-time offers to the various kinds of "obsolescence" used to incite us to buy beyond our needs or means. Abundance, on the other hand, is the fundamental belief that there is enough for all—when we are living in rhythm with the planet. It is our natural state of being. If we operate our business from the fundamental belief in lack or Scarcity, we will always bring Scarcity strategies into our marketing. The irony is that Scarcity begets Scarcity. In other words, if we operate from a Scarcity mentality, we are likely to create the very Scarcity we most fear because the end result will be overconsumption. Overconsumption is destroying both our economy and the ecological balance of our natural world. But if we operate from a fundamental belief in Abundance, we will not bring such fear and anxiety into our marketing, and overconsumption will be a thing of the past.

Grace #7: Collaboration
This is the "antidote" to the "Deadly Sin of Competition". Many people have the false notion that competition is necessary to create healthy economies and stronger societies. But this is largely a myth and has no foundation in Nature whatsoever. While I believe in "free enterprise", this is not the same thing as Competition. In the book, I cite many studies that have proved how Competition diminishes creativity and innovation. When we conduct our businesses or our lives with a competitive mindset, we not only reduce our own performance, but we also reduce the support we receive from others. On the other hand, Collaboration always results in something greater than the sum of its parts. Every single marketing campaign I have produced is based upon Collaboration. The permaculture of the world is actually one giant, interdependent Collaboration. We've been brought up in a competitive world, but the more connected we become via technologies like social media, the more we see that Collaboration is the way we perform best.
*  *  *  *  *

I hope you enjoyed this overview of The 7 Graces of Marketing from author Lynn Serafinn. If you want to dive more deeply into this paradigm, I do invite you to join Lynn and 23 other world-class guest speakers at

"The 7 Graces of Marketing Telesummit"
December 6th-9th, 2011
7 Dynamic Sessions with 24 Guest Speakers
Register FR*EE at

On this 7-part online event, Lynn and her guests will be exploring
the "7 Graces" and "7 Deadly Sins" in detail.

And then… do check out Lynn's book The 7 Graces of Marketing on December 13th. When you do, there are dozens of wonderful gifts for you, including the audio download of all 7 sessions from the telesummit, and many other goodies. Check out the gifts, and request a launch reminder so you don't forget to pick up your copy (in paperback or Kindle) at:

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PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

December 5, 2011

Four Steps to Integration: Acceptance, Allowance, Embracement, and Celebration

Integration includes four steps: Acceptance, Allowance, Embracement, and Celebration,” which affect healing for the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual components of healthy living.  Over the next few days, we will look at each of these steps.
Step 1 is acceptance on the physical plane.
Energy cannot be destroyed or created, it can only be transmuted. Its form can be changed. So struggling against what is doesn’t work. Therefore, at the Physical level, we employ acceptance.
Let’s imagine that you have a condition. Maybe it’s a disease or illness. “I have a cold,” says the body.
Since we are energy and everything is energy, we are one with everything. Therefore, it is fruitless to attempt to get rid of an energetic condition. Here in the world of duality, you can’t release it because it is part of creation. You can’t chop off pieces of yourself. The alternative is to integrate it.
Your first step toward integration is to be one with it—not to try to shake it loose, or to drop it, or release it. Simply acknowledge and accept that it is here. This brings us into the “now” moment. This is a mental thing, which means you have to deal with the ego mind and all the emotions. We might be thinking: Well, have I been bad because I got a cold? Is this a punishment? Is this something that I have brought on myself? What have I done wrong? That’s usually the ego voice engaging the emotions.
Acceptance. I got it. It’s here on the physical; it’s now.
Step 2 is Allowance of your emotional reaction so there’s no denial. Until you accept that something is going on and you’re emotionally okay with it, you really do not have any power to take action in the embracement stage. And you’ll never reach the point of celebration. Surrender to it. Integrate it rather than release it. Everyone’s been hearing the last twenty years “Let go of this, release that.” I’d like you to release this whole idea of releasing! Releasing is resisting. That which we resist by releasing, will persist. Instead, we must take it in. Transmute it. And maybe even transcend it.
So after we have accepted something, we have to allow it to be there. How?  We exhibit no resistance to the condition. It’s part of what is going on right now. We don’t fight against it. Instead, we take the mental step of embracing it; and by embracing it, we do everything possible to address the topic. We’re going to take our zinc, we’re going to drink our fluids, we’re going to rest or do minimal exercise, or whatever it takes to bring the mind-body-spirit system to its greatest comfort and ease on the physical plane. We really didn’t need the cold except that we had been pushing ourselves so much to achieve our goals and the body wasn’t getting enough rest.
Step 3 is Embracement. So, the loving universe created a condition called a cold and we rested. And we recovered, the body freed itself, the mucus flow regulated and in three or five or seven days we’re back on our feet. And we can celebrate having had it. Having to rest, we caught up on our reading, or we finished up on our email. As we were home, we even had a chance to talk by phone with some relatives that we haven’t visited with for a while.
In integration, the first three steps will roll into one when you practice Full-Wave breathing. You change every night. The planet changes. The sun comes up and it’s a new day. See when you leave your body at night, you go to the higher realms and come back to your body. You think you’re the same person because you have the same memory consciously and yet you’ve changed.
Step 4 is Celebrating: Now when I get out of bed, I’m realigned, I’m in the body more fully than I would have been; there’s no grog or stumbling around, and I can get about celebrating my day. Simple, simple, simple choice, isn’t it?
You can integrate all the experiences of your day before you go to sleep by doing a few more focused full-wave breaths. This will help you accept that the day is over. Allow for all the things that were done and not done to be set aside. Embrace that the day is ending and the evening is beginning.  And with real joy, begin breathing. Once again you put your hand down below your navel. At this stage, all you are doing is belly push-ups or push-outs.
This article is based on a presentation given by Dr. Tom Goode during “Empaths Shifting into 2012: A Telesummit to Help Energy-Sensitive People Understand Their Spiritual Role on Earth.” You may get the full transcription and MP3 audio of Kate’s and Gini Grey’s presentations at
Dr. Tom Goode is the author of seven books on holistic living. His most recent book is Breathe and Grow Rich—Self Care to Enrich Your Whole Life  He has written numerous articles on natural healing and is the producer of “The Cosmic Waltz,” a musical program used with Full Wave Breathing and the Inner Harmony home-study musical program for holistic health, balance, and personal transformation.

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.