March 16, 2013

Is Being Empathic a Blessing or A Curse?

Is being a highly-sensitive person a blessing or a curse? It depends upon who you ask and whether or not that person has learned how to manage emotional energy.

Sandy, a mother of two boys, talked about experiencing severe emotional distress (able to feel everyone's emotions simultaneously and very strongly) since she was eight years old, and she said it keeps getting worse. Her grandmother, who was also empathic, died before she could teach Sandy how to manage the gift—actually, Sandy called it a curse that she never wanted. She couldn’t go anywhere or be around people and she hated her life. Her two sons are also empathic and she doesn’t want them to end up miserable. Sandy no longer recognizes her own feelings. This is so common among empaths that I am dedicating an entire chapter to help you determine what your own energy feels like. Sandy also mentioned that the only way she knew to turn off the emotion was to be cold and unloving. This is a temptation to many empathic people, but because we are so loving, it really goes against our grain to treat people unkindly or shut them out of our heart. While we seem to do better living alone, we also have a desire to help others and have close relationships. There is a way to remain open without being unloving—it’s called detachment.

Explore this concept in my book, Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. Ge the paperback book at e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices on Get the PDF on the author's website:
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

The author, Yvonne Perry, is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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