July 2, 2013

Why Ignore Your Intuition? It Could Save Your Life!

How many times have you said or thought, “If I had only listened to myself, such and such would not have happened?” Your intuition is an aspect of divine guidance—our higher consciousness or spirit talking to us. By ignoring our intuition, situations do not generally turn out as well as they could have. For example, I needed more yarn to complete a crochet project. K-Mart is about two miles away and I was pretty certain I had seen yarn there. That little voice in my head told me I should call first to make sure they sell yarn or else go directly to the Wal-Mart, which is about five miles in the opposite direction. I was in a hurry so I went to the closer store first, only to find that they no longer sell yarn. I ended up wasting time and gas because I ignored my intuition.

That was a minor inconvenience compared to what could have happened in 2005 when I was having problems with my bowels. I called my doctor, who did a non-invasive test that showed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. He dismissed my condition, calling it chronic diarrhea. Not satisfied with his diagnosis, I listened to my body, followed my intuition, and sought a second opinion. This doctor performed a colonoscopy, which revealed polyps and a large tumor in my colon. Immediate surgery was planned and about eight inches of my colon was removed. Had I ignored my intuition that time, the tumor could have developed into a cancerous mass. By the way, the formation of the tumor was not a result of carrying anyone else’s energy at that time. It was a cumulative detrimental effect from all the years I stuffed my true “gut” feelings. When this came up for healing, I had to get rid of it.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon.
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices on Smashwords.com. Get the PDF on the author's website: WeAreOneinSpirit.com.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.


  1. A doctor’s intuition is no doubt an indispensable part of how we receive healthcare. I experienced it myself from the perspective of a patient when my doctor had a very strong feeling that my virus-like symptoms might be indicative of dysautonomia. After she performed a particular critical care test, her intuitions were confirmed.

    Thank for for sharing this very insightful post!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your wisdom, Jess.
