This high-level guidebook, Whose Stuff Is This? takes the reader on an inner voyage to reconnect within, to review emotional connectivity to others, and to avoid psychic overload. Empathic persons can easily be drained or overstimulated. Newly awakening empathy is best cultivated with understanding of the empathic capabilities and author Yvonne Perry shows you how to proceed most advantageously. ~ Tom Goode ND, DD
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom
from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy
of Those Around You is a resource for empathic
people who have been unknowingly carrying
energetic burdens that belong to someone else.
April 30, 2011
April 29, 2011
CDs and MP3s to Support Empaths
Hey, Empaths! Here are a few CDs/MP3s that I have used and highly recommend for raising your vibration and changing negative thoughts into beneficial uplifting ones.
The first two are free! Others are on Amazon and can be downloaded to any mp3 player for about 99 cents each.
Sheryl Schlameuss Berger - Relax and Release: Guided Imagery Affirmations for Serenity and Balance
Amy Huentelman Free Your Mind, Heal Your Body, Uplift Your Spirit
Erick Brown End Self Sabotage (Erick has a lot of other mp3s I like)
Michael J. Emery End Your Day Perfectly Guided Visualization Mp3 to Create a Better Tomorrow (Michael has a large selection of mp3s on
Sunny Dawn Johnston Relaxing Positive Affirmations
Debra Berndt Feeling Beautiful
Janet Carol Ryan Abundant Blessings - a Meditation and Affirmations for Conscious Money Circulation
Rhiannon Barkemeijer de Wit has a huge selection of excellent affirmations
The Healing Waterfall
by Gail P. Borden is a great hypnosis mp3 to train the subconscious mind to heal the biology of the body.
Sleep Peacefully
(Relaxation/Hypnosis) by Gail P. Borden is one of the best ones to use when you are ready to fall asleep.
Control Anger Hypnosis
by Rachael Meddows
Self Esteem Hypnosis by Rachael Meddows
Relaxation Hypnosis
by Rachael Meddows
Hypnosis Sessions by People Building
The first two are free! Others are on Amazon and can be downloaded to any mp3 player for about 99 cents each.
Sheryl Schlameuss Berger - Relax and Release: Guided Imagery Affirmations for Serenity and Balance
Amy Huentelman Free Your Mind, Heal Your Body, Uplift Your Spirit
Erick Brown End Self Sabotage (Erick has a lot of other mp3s I like)
Michael J. Emery End Your Day Perfectly Guided Visualization Mp3 to Create a Better Tomorrow (Michael has a large selection of mp3s on
Sunny Dawn Johnston Relaxing Positive Affirmations
Debra Berndt Feeling Beautiful
Janet Carol Ryan Abundant Blessings - a Meditation and Affirmations for Conscious Money Circulation
Rhiannon Barkemeijer de Wit has a huge selection of excellent affirmations
The Healing Waterfall
Sleep Peacefully
Control Anger Hypnosis
Self Esteem Hypnosis by Rachael Meddows
Relaxation Hypnosis
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 28, 2011
Comforting to read, and educational, yet not about filling your head with book knowledge
Yvonne’s work is beautiful, well written, and personable. It seems to speak directly to the heart and make it okay to be exactly who you are at any given time. It is comforting to read, and educational, yet not about filling your head with book knowledge—instead, filling the holes of unexplained experiences with a feeling of empowerment and compassion for self and others as we face the pain and trauma on this journey toward wholeness. ~ Reverend Cherise Thorne, founder of New Dawn Ascension
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 26, 2011
The Psychology of Empathy
In the story that Dr. Caron Goode, ED.D., NCC, DAPA contributed as Chapter 6 of my book, Whose Stuff Is This?, Meredith is a trained nurse, who chose to leave a hospital setting and move into private care. Meredith has the ability to resonate with another person on a deep level. Such resonance is achieved through empathy, the ability to feel with her client, not to feel for them or about them. Resonating with her clients is a striking intuitive knowing, which enables Meredith to predict their needs and provide an unprecedented quality of care.
The ability to resonate with others is the character strength of a person whose core temperament is Interpersonal. Other strengths of a Interpersonal core temperament are adaptability and being supportive. The Interpersonal style is one of the Four Basic Core Temperaments—the other three are called Behavioral, Cognitive, and Affective—identified from the research and writing of Terry Anderson, PhD, the founder of Consulting Resource Group International and author of more than a dozen assessments, training and development tools, and books.
Over the last two decades, the science of temperaments and research on how people think has validated that each person is born with a core temperament, which is nature's approximate 20 percent genetic contribution to one's overall personality. Our environments contribute the other 80 percent by virtue of our ability to adapt.
Four Basic Core Temperaments provide the cornerstones for people’s interactive preferences, how they learn, and what motivates them. People with Interpersonal and Affective styles relate well to people. Those with a Cognitive style are immersed in information or data; they relate well to people as team members and partners because they are sensitive to feelings of others. The Behavioral style person is internally motivated by personal goals and achievements and may be the least sensitive to other people’s feelings.
At a basic level, empathy is being attuned to another’s emotions and intentions. The next level of empathy involves taking action to help another, whether alleviating fears and pain or supporting or celebrating someone. More complex forms of empathy occur when people join together for survival of struggles or to pursue the vision fueled by emotional connectedness. These show us how capable we are of making deep connections. To feel loved, whole, appreciated, and useful, we must be in a relationship where empathy connects us.
We are hard-wired to resonate with each other at profound levels, thus driving our desires to belong and for bonding, connection, companionship, and affection. Empathy clearly provides the closest we might come to “knowing” another person—feeling their pain and joys, a communing of kindred spirits. All types of empathy can be a source of insight.
Sensitive people with the profile of an empath may not be recognized as such in traditional therapy settings. An empathic person with enough savvy to know their gifts as a self-aware person still needs connection, and the best support comes from non-traditional health practitioners, who may themselves be intuitive, holistic, natural, or energy practitioners. These include transpersonal and spiritual healers and therapists, neurolinguistic (NLP) practitioners, specific types of energy healers, and massage therapists, full-wave breath trainers, rebirthers, and other breath workers, hypnotherapists, and Chinese medicine practitioners. Each works with the mind-body connection to create inner resonance.
For more information about the psychology of empathy, see Chapter 6 of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. Click to purchase.
The ability to resonate with others is the character strength of a person whose core temperament is Interpersonal. Other strengths of a Interpersonal core temperament are adaptability and being supportive. The Interpersonal style is one of the Four Basic Core Temperaments—the other three are called Behavioral, Cognitive, and Affective—identified from the research and writing of Terry Anderson, PhD, the founder of Consulting Resource Group International and author of more than a dozen assessments, training and development tools, and books.
Over the last two decades, the science of temperaments and research on how people think has validated that each person is born with a core temperament, which is nature's approximate 20 percent genetic contribution to one's overall personality. Our environments contribute the other 80 percent by virtue of our ability to adapt.
Four Basic Core Temperaments provide the cornerstones for people’s interactive preferences, how they learn, and what motivates them. People with Interpersonal and Affective styles relate well to people. Those with a Cognitive style are immersed in information or data; they relate well to people as team members and partners because they are sensitive to feelings of others. The Behavioral style person is internally motivated by personal goals and achievements and may be the least sensitive to other people’s feelings.
At a basic level, empathy is being attuned to another’s emotions and intentions. The next level of empathy involves taking action to help another, whether alleviating fears and pain or supporting or celebrating someone. More complex forms of empathy occur when people join together for survival of struggles or to pursue the vision fueled by emotional connectedness. These show us how capable we are of making deep connections. To feel loved, whole, appreciated, and useful, we must be in a relationship where empathy connects us.
We are hard-wired to resonate with each other at profound levels, thus driving our desires to belong and for bonding, connection, companionship, and affection. Empathy clearly provides the closest we might come to “knowing” another person—feeling their pain and joys, a communing of kindred spirits. All types of empathy can be a source of insight.
Sensitive people with the profile of an empath may not be recognized as such in traditional therapy settings. An empathic person with enough savvy to know their gifts as a self-aware person still needs connection, and the best support comes from non-traditional health practitioners, who may themselves be intuitive, holistic, natural, or energy practitioners. These include transpersonal and spiritual healers and therapists, neurolinguistic (NLP) practitioners, specific types of energy healers, and massage therapists, full-wave breath trainers, rebirthers, and other breath workers, hypnotherapists, and Chinese medicine practitioners. Each works with the mind-body connection to create inner resonance.
For more information about the psychology of empathy, see Chapter 6 of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. Click to purchase.
April 25, 2011
Fast Relief for Empathy Overload
While there's no quick fix to make a tough emotional situation go away, you can do some things to help you manage stress, care for yourself, and find some relief. Below are a few tips that you can do every day.
1) Add 2 cups of salt, 1 cup of baking soda, and 2 cups of epsom salt to a warm bath. Soak for 10-15 minutes. This will take some of the stored or repressed tension out of your muscles.
2) Do 100 Full-Wave Breaths through your mouth. Bring the breath all the way in and feel your abdomen, belly, and chest rise. Do this in private while lying down. You will feel more relaxed and energized, more focused and less tense. See this audio for more how-to on this technique:
3. Listen to the audio on my blog that teaches you how to ground and center your energy. This is the direct link: There are two parts to this audio. Do both parts. Here is the direct link to the second part:
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 24, 2011
Everything You Need to Know From Identifying When You Are Picking Up on Others’ Energy to Practical Tips on What to Do About It
Simply put, this book should be required reading for all human beings as we continue to learn how to navigate our energy bodies while being in a physical body. With thorough research and case examples, this book provides everything you need to know from identifying when you are picking up on others’ energy to practical tips on what to do about it. The information on setting boundaries is really a must-read for everyone whether you consider yourself to be an empath or not.
Get the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
~ Tisha Morris, author of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home
Get the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 23, 2011
Using Drugs and Alcohol to Cope with Being Overly Sensitive
The Conduit of Joy blog is owned by Kara, whose greatest wish is that you are able to uncover and live your most authentic self. She is conducting interviews with empaths to whom she asked these questions:
Read the post "Empaths R Us" by Patti Foy to learn how she used drugs and alcohol to cope with being emotionally sensitive.
Read the post "Empaths R Us" by Patti Foy to learn how she used drugs and alcohol to cope with being emotionally sensitive.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 22, 2011
The Psychic Aspect of the Mind
The psychic aspect of the mind is a normal, natural function and resource that can be developed and employed to enhance one's daily living. My guest today tells how intuition can be developed over time and with practice until it flows effortlessly.
Donna Seebo lives in the shadow of Mt. Rainier, in Washington State. Her quiet South Sound retreat is a welcome and refreshing contrast to her busy professional schedule. As an author, publisher, lecturer, and renown mental practitioner and counselor, Donna travels extensively each year. Her speaking engagements, radio/television appearances and counseling to businesses and private individuals takes her all over the United States. Donna's extraordinary mind skills have placed her into a lifestyle that reflects the wonderful opportunities that await anyone who is willing to believe in a positive self image.
In part one of our interview, she answers the following questions:
In part two, Donna shares her children's book, God's Kiss, and her CD program, Mind Magic, designed to teach individuals to develop their own mind powers to enhance their daily lives and personal relationships. These CDs may be ordered by calling 800-872-8852. Donna likes to "Light Up Your Life with a Little Bit of Insight" on The Donna Seebo Show, which is heard live on, Station 1, from 3-4 pm, Monday through Friday, Pacific Time. Listeners are welcome to call the toll free number (888) 815-9756 to get an intuitive reading on air.
Click the arrow in the player below to hear part two:
To connect with Donna or learn more about her counseling services, see
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

In part one of our interview, she answers the following questions:
- What is intuition and why is it so important?
- How are psychic abilities like the spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible?
- Why do some people not trust this form of guidance?
- How did you develop your intuition?
In part two, Donna shares her children's book, God's Kiss, and her CD program, Mind Magic, designed to teach individuals to develop their own mind powers to enhance their daily lives and personal relationships. These CDs may be ordered by calling 800-872-8852. Donna likes to "Light Up Your Life with a Little Bit of Insight" on The Donna Seebo Show, which is heard live on, Station 1, from 3-4 pm, Monday through Friday, Pacific Time. Listeners are welcome to call the toll free number (888) 815-9756 to get an intuitive reading on air.
Click the arrow in the player below to hear part two:
To connect with Donna or learn more about her counseling services, see
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 21, 2011
A Must Read for the Emotionally Sensitive
Each of us is affected by the energy and emotions around us. We often assume that what we are feeling "Is Us" and not a byproduct of our ability to sense the world around us. Whose Stuff Is This? can support each of us as we learn to identify who "We Are" and separate ourselves from the din. It is a must read for the emotionally sensitive or those wanting to develop this intuitive gift. ~ Rita Louise, PhD, founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and author of Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 20, 2011
What Are We Protecting Ourselves From?
There are at least two dozen techniques in my book to help empaths (energy-sensitive people) manage the high volume of energy they are able to pick up. Some people have taken this to mean that we need to protect ourselves from some evil forces, but this is not true. There is nothing to be afraid of or be protected from.
All the practices in my book are for expanding our consciousness, raising our vibration, grounding our energy, and reminding us of who we are—light beings. We are photons in a field of light. When we get entangled with the stuff of the earth plane, all we need to do is focus on love, breathe in light, and know that we are part of divine source.
We are here with a purpose to help one another grow spiritually. Having a spiritual practice brings us back into emotional balance and shows us how much power we really have, and who we are as part of the divine matrix.
The resources are for those who have not been doing any kind of spiritual exercise, or who have not set boundaries with people they let walk all over them. It's necessary for empaths to stand in their power in order to bring in the light and transmute the negativity of the earth plane. It's the role we have agreed to play in the shifting of earth's consciousness. Learn more on my interview with a fellow empath, Dr. Michael R. Smith.
All the practices in my book are for expanding our consciousness, raising our vibration, grounding our energy, and reminding us of who we are—light beings. We are photons in a field of light. When we get entangled with the stuff of the earth plane, all we need to do is focus on love, breathe in light, and know that we are part of divine source.
We are here with a purpose to help one another grow spiritually. Having a spiritual practice brings us back into emotional balance and shows us how much power we really have, and who we are as part of the divine matrix.
The resources are for those who have not been doing any kind of spiritual exercise, or who have not set boundaries with people they let walk all over them. It's necessary for empaths to stand in their power in order to bring in the light and transmute the negativity of the earth plane. It's the role we have agreed to play in the shifting of earth's consciousness. Learn more on my interview with a fellow empath, Dr. Michael R. Smith.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 19, 2011
Identifying Your Own Energy
Recognizing that you’re an empath is the first step in taking charge of your emotions instead of constantly drowning in them. The most challenging thing about developing and honing empathic abilities is learning to discern what energetic stuff is yours, and what belongs to someone else. Chronic anxiety, depression, or stress wears down our defenses and makes us even more susceptible to the negative energy of others, especially those with similar unresolved emotional issues. In some cases, you may be dealing with a combination of your own stuff and someone else’s.
Here are some ways to identify and distinguish your own energy from that of another person.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Here are some ways to identify and distinguish your own energy from that of another person.
- Ask. If you are feeling overwhelmed by emotions, the first thing to do is ask yourself if the feeling is yours or someone else’s. If you are angry with someone, the feeling is probably your own, but you could also be participating in the energy of the person you quarreled with. Try to resolve the situation, forgive, and let it go. If the energy is not yours, try to determine the obvious originator. For example, if you are feeling out of whack and you’ve just witnessed an accident or have been in a crowded public setting, you may have picked up the feelings of other people. Center and ground your energy using the techniques discussed in Chapter 9 of my book.
- Observe. Pay attention to the feelings and impressions you receive wherever you go. You may have a feeling that you don't want to go into a certain place, or you don't want to connect with a certain person. You are wise to trust those feelings; they come to us for a reason, whether it makes rational sense or not. Intuition does not come from the rational side of our brain; it comes from a place of higher knowing that is meant to guide us and keep us safe.
- Spend time building a relationship with yourself. The busier we get the less we are likely to take time to sit still and listen to the voice within, but this is a very important part of learning to sense your own energy and honing your intuitive skills. We may be doing something wonderful for someone else, but if we neglect taking time to renew our own energy, we put ourselves at risk of being overwhelmed. Self-healing and self-care is a wonderful gift we can offer ourselves as empathic healers. Taking a break, spending time in meditation, and relaxing are some of the best ways to get to know how your energy feels, raise your vibration, and avoid taking on other people’s symptoms.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 18, 2011
An Extensive Library of Answers That Can Help You
Realizing you're an empath immediately brings up a million questions. This book is an extensive library of answers that can help you figure out what's going on while also empowering you to do something about it!
~ Elise Lebeau, M.Sc., Professional Intuitive, Founder of the
Get the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 17, 2011
Taking On Everyone's Burdens
Love your new book--and what a great topic. I wish this book would have been around when I was in my twenties, early thirties as I used to take on everyone's burdens. ~ Barbara Techel, award-winning author of Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog book series
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 16, 2011
Tips for Clearing Detrimental Energy from your Field
Here is a great video on ways to clear your energy field. Especially important for empathic people.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 15, 2011
Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life
An Interview with Judith Orloff, MD on her new book, Emotional Freedom
by Barbara Stahura
Judith Orloff, MD, is a psychiatrist and intuition expert who synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to create a new blend of healing wisdom. She passionately believes that the future of medicine depends upon integrating all these elements to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. Her new book is Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011).
Her earlier bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. As a teacher and author, she combines her personal story as someone who comes from a long line of intuitive healers, including her grandmother, mother, and aunts, with professional knowledge gleaned from her medical practice and popular workshops.
Dr. Orloff is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in Oprah Magazine and USA Today. For more inspiration and information about her workshops and books visit For Judith’s free video class on emotional freedom and intuition check out
Barbara: Why did you write Emotional Freedom?
Judith Orloff M.D. I’m passionate about teaching people to transform negative emotions into positive ones. If you get mired in the muck of negativity, you can’t lead a liberated, happy life. As a physician, I see that most people don’t have the everyday tools to transform frustration, depression, anxiety, worry, and fear into positive emotions. This book is a how-to guide that offers you these tools.
I work in a mainstream medical system that doesn’t generally deal with emotions in an expanded way. As a UCLA psychiatric resident I learned to prescribe medications and use traditional psychotherapy. In this book, I also bring spirituality, subtle energy, and intuition into this equation and offer strategies that go beyond mainstream medicine.
Another powerful reason I wrote this book is that I watched my mother, a physician, literally loose her life to stress and fear. I loved her more than anything, but I didn’t want to do the same thing to myself, as I have similar tendencies.
Barbara: What is emotional freedom, and why is it so important for individuals and our world today?
Judith Orloff MD: Emotional freedom is your ability to love by cultivating positive emotions and being able to compassionately witness and transform negative ones, whether they’re yours or another’s. This skill liberates you from fear and lets you navigate adversity without attacking someone, losing your cool, or being derailed by negativity. With emotional freedom you can choose to react constructively rather than relinquishing command of the situation when your buttons get pushed (This book is unrelated to the tapping technique of the same name).
Barbara: What is the role of compassion in emotional freedom?
Judith Orloff MD: Compassion is key because unless you have self-compassion, it’s hard to heal difficult emotional states. And also when a loved one is going through a trying time, being compassionate without judging them is essential. My spiritual teacher says we make progress on the spiritual path by beating ourselves up a little bit less each day. I believe that. It’s about baby steps.
Barbara: You say that emotions have four crucial components. What are they and why is it vital to know about them?
Judith Orloff MD: To experience emotional freedom it’s necessary to understand these four basic components of emotion: their biology, spirituality, energy, and psychology. With fear, frustration, loneliness, worry, and more, the book teaches you to proactively shift your biochemistry as well as your energy, and to see the spiritual and psychological meaning of what you’re going through.This will give you all the tools you need to change.
Barbara: You believe that emotions are a path to spiritual awakening. Please explain.
Judith Orloff MD: I see difficult emotions as a laboratory for spiritual growth--whereas traditional psychiatry often views them more as tormentors, something to get rid of. I believe that emotions come to us—even wrenching ones like depression—to spiritually awaken us. Each emotion is a prompt for us to get more in touch with our hearts and expand our light. This perspective really changes how you deal with all emotional challenges.
Barbara: How can emotional freedom help us to not absorb negative emotions from others?
Judith Orloff MD: Many sensitive people come to me, as patients and in workshops, who’ve been labeled “overly sensitive.” These people, including me, are what I call “emotional empaths.” Because we are so sensitive, we absorb the energy of others. We sense their fear, anxiety, and stress and take them into our bodies. Then we get exhausted or feel ill ourselves. As a child, I couldn’t go into shopping malls or crowded places because I’d walk in fine and then walk out exhausted or with some ache or pain I didn’t have before. I didn’t realize what was happening. I went to my mother, a physician, who said, “Oh, no, dear, you just don’t have a thick enough skin.” Not a good thing to tell an intuitive child! But as I’ve matured intuitively and as a physician, I’ve realized that people on a spiritual path tend to gain more sensitivity as they develop. Thus, they need to learn how not to absorb outside energy so they can feel joyous and free. This book discusses how to be compassionate but stay centered without becoming a n emotional sponge.
Barbara: When dealing with difficult personalities, it’s easy to lose our cool or attack back. How can Emotional Freedom teach us to cope in a calmer manner?
Judith Orloff MD: There’s a chapter on emotional vampires, which is my term for many difficult people—for instance, a criticizer, a victim, a narcissist, or a controller. I say, let them be our teachers, rather than tormentors. We must ask ourselves: How do they teach us to communicate with more heart and better boundaries? How can we deal differently with feeling irritated, controlled, or insulted? The old way is to get nasty or withdraw. The new way is to not simply react when your buttons get pushed—a behavior that perpetuates war. Practice what I call “the namaste effect,” which is, ”I respect the spirit within you even if I don’t like what you’re doing.” Your victories over emotional vampires are not small—they’re huge. With every success, you are creating more hope for the world. From an intuitive standpoint, we are all interconnected: my emotional freedom affects your emotional freedom affects everyone in the world.
Barbara: In the book, you also define four emotional types. What are they and what can they tell us about ourselves?
Judith Orloff MD: They are “the intellectual,” “the empath,” “the gusher,” and “the rock.” These are the filters through which you see the world—the default setting of your personality to which you revert, especially under stress. Each type is determined by inborn temperament, upbringing, and perhaps karma. Since emotional freedom means being able to remain sensitive but centered in an overwhelming world, it’s essential to know your emotional type. Without this knowledge, many people dysfunctionally hunker down in their type for decades without examining which aspects do and don’t serve them.
Barbara: Your section of the book about sleep and dreams is fascinating. What can they teach us about emotional freedom?
Judith Orloff MD: Sleep and dreams are a conduit for emotional freedom. Sleep is a great awakener because your linear mind quiets down, and you enter a purely intuitive state where you can better understand your emotions and other realms. Dreams are revolutionary states of consciousness that impart intuitive wisdom about being free.
Here’s a personal example. Once, I went through a period of complaining a lot when nothing was working. Projects were falling through, patients were canceling appointments, I couldn’t even get the plumber to come and fix the toilet. I was in victim mode. Then I had a dream in which my deceased father came to me, and he was moving from one location to another. I asked, “Daddy, is there anything I can get you?” Smiling, he said, “No, darling, I don’t need anything except a pen and a piece of paper in case I want to write a thank-you note.” For me, this was a wake-up call that highlighted the importance of gratefulness here and in the Hereafter. It was all I needed to adjust my attitude to being more grateful for my life.
Barbara: The world seems to get wackier and scarier every day. How can your book help us overcome fear during times of terrorism, economic turmoil, and natural disasters?
Judith Orloff MD: To be free, we must view fear as something to overcome, not something to be defeated by. When you see a world with so much to be afraid of—skyrocketing gas prices, the failing economy, and violence—you must chose not to come from fear. Part of emotional freedom is making a vow not to lead a fear-driven life. That must be a deep desire in your heart. Then do everything possible to overcome fear and worry with faith in goodness, and trying stay in the moment rather than catastrophizing the future. I’ll show you how to develop the courage to be centered and find non-fear based solutions to anything! Courage or fear is a choice. It’s not something that just happens to you.
Barbara: I love that you say emotional freedom offers us opportunities to be heroes in our own lives. Would you elaborate?
Judith Orloff MD: Absolutely. If you suffer loss, if you’re having an anxiety attack or feeling depressed or lonely—these are all very spiritual experiences to me. You become a hero in your own life as you learn to use emotions as a chance to become stronger, brighter, more. This is critical on a personal level because it frees you from suffering. But it’s just as important on a collective level because if we don’t face the fear and anger in ourselves, then we risk projecting it onto a global sphere. This creates war and massive suffering to our human family. We must find inner peace before we can have outer peace. That’s why I consider emotional freedom an inner peace movement.
Barbara Stahura, a freelance writer in Tucson, Arizona, has interviewed many of the major transformative individuals of our time including Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, and Wayne Dyer.
Judith Orloff MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, is author of the New York Times Bestseller Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness.
Please check out “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series” to find out more about the special method Dr. Orloff recommends to remember your dreams and other topics to build the power within. Stop by anytime.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
by Barbara Stahura
Judith Orloff, MD, is a psychiatrist and intuition expert who synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to create a new blend of healing wisdom. She passionately believes that the future of medicine depends upon integrating all these elements to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. Her new book is Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011).
Her earlier bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. As a teacher and author, she combines her personal story as someone who comes from a long line of intuitive healers, including her grandmother, mother, and aunts, with professional knowledge gleaned from her medical practice and popular workshops.
Dr. Orloff is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in Oprah Magazine and USA Today. For more inspiration and information about her workshops and books visit For Judith’s free video class on emotional freedom and intuition check out
Barbara: Why did you write Emotional Freedom?
Judith Orloff M.D. I’m passionate about teaching people to transform negative emotions into positive ones. If you get mired in the muck of negativity, you can’t lead a liberated, happy life. As a physician, I see that most people don’t have the everyday tools to transform frustration, depression, anxiety, worry, and fear into positive emotions. This book is a how-to guide that offers you these tools.
I work in a mainstream medical system that doesn’t generally deal with emotions in an expanded way. As a UCLA psychiatric resident I learned to prescribe medications and use traditional psychotherapy. In this book, I also bring spirituality, subtle energy, and intuition into this equation and offer strategies that go beyond mainstream medicine.
Another powerful reason I wrote this book is that I watched my mother, a physician, literally loose her life to stress and fear. I loved her more than anything, but I didn’t want to do the same thing to myself, as I have similar tendencies.
Barbara: What is emotional freedom, and why is it so important for individuals and our world today?
Judith Orloff MD: Emotional freedom is your ability to love by cultivating positive emotions and being able to compassionately witness and transform negative ones, whether they’re yours or another’s. This skill liberates you from fear and lets you navigate adversity without attacking someone, losing your cool, or being derailed by negativity. With emotional freedom you can choose to react constructively rather than relinquishing command of the situation when your buttons get pushed (This book is unrelated to the tapping technique of the same name).
Barbara: What is the role of compassion in emotional freedom?
Judith Orloff MD: Compassion is key because unless you have self-compassion, it’s hard to heal difficult emotional states. And also when a loved one is going through a trying time, being compassionate without judging them is essential. My spiritual teacher says we make progress on the spiritual path by beating ourselves up a little bit less each day. I believe that. It’s about baby steps.
Barbara: You say that emotions have four crucial components. What are they and why is it vital to know about them?
Judith Orloff MD: To experience emotional freedom it’s necessary to understand these four basic components of emotion: their biology, spirituality, energy, and psychology. With fear, frustration, loneliness, worry, and more, the book teaches you to proactively shift your biochemistry as well as your energy, and to see the spiritual and psychological meaning of what you’re going through.This will give you all the tools you need to change.
Barbara: You believe that emotions are a path to spiritual awakening. Please explain.
Judith Orloff MD: I see difficult emotions as a laboratory for spiritual growth--whereas traditional psychiatry often views them more as tormentors, something to get rid of. I believe that emotions come to us—even wrenching ones like depression—to spiritually awaken us. Each emotion is a prompt for us to get more in touch with our hearts and expand our light. This perspective really changes how you deal with all emotional challenges.
Barbara: How can emotional freedom help us to not absorb negative emotions from others?
Judith Orloff MD: Many sensitive people come to me, as patients and in workshops, who’ve been labeled “overly sensitive.” These people, including me, are what I call “emotional empaths.” Because we are so sensitive, we absorb the energy of others. We sense their fear, anxiety, and stress and take them into our bodies. Then we get exhausted or feel ill ourselves. As a child, I couldn’t go into shopping malls or crowded places because I’d walk in fine and then walk out exhausted or with some ache or pain I didn’t have before. I didn’t realize what was happening. I went to my mother, a physician, who said, “Oh, no, dear, you just don’t have a thick enough skin.” Not a good thing to tell an intuitive child! But as I’ve matured intuitively and as a physician, I’ve realized that people on a spiritual path tend to gain more sensitivity as they develop. Thus, they need to learn how not to absorb outside energy so they can feel joyous and free. This book discusses how to be compassionate but stay centered without becoming a n emotional sponge.
Barbara: When dealing with difficult personalities, it’s easy to lose our cool or attack back. How can Emotional Freedom teach us to cope in a calmer manner?
Judith Orloff MD: There’s a chapter on emotional vampires, which is my term for many difficult people—for instance, a criticizer, a victim, a narcissist, or a controller. I say, let them be our teachers, rather than tormentors. We must ask ourselves: How do they teach us to communicate with more heart and better boundaries? How can we deal differently with feeling irritated, controlled, or insulted? The old way is to get nasty or withdraw. The new way is to not simply react when your buttons get pushed—a behavior that perpetuates war. Practice what I call “the namaste effect,” which is, ”I respect the spirit within you even if I don’t like what you’re doing.” Your victories over emotional vampires are not small—they’re huge. With every success, you are creating more hope for the world. From an intuitive standpoint, we are all interconnected: my emotional freedom affects your emotional freedom affects everyone in the world.
Barbara: In the book, you also define four emotional types. What are they and what can they tell us about ourselves?
Judith Orloff MD: They are “the intellectual,” “the empath,” “the gusher,” and “the rock.” These are the filters through which you see the world—the default setting of your personality to which you revert, especially under stress. Each type is determined by inborn temperament, upbringing, and perhaps karma. Since emotional freedom means being able to remain sensitive but centered in an overwhelming world, it’s essential to know your emotional type. Without this knowledge, many people dysfunctionally hunker down in their type for decades without examining which aspects do and don’t serve them.
Barbara: Your section of the book about sleep and dreams is fascinating. What can they teach us about emotional freedom?
Judith Orloff MD: Sleep and dreams are a conduit for emotional freedom. Sleep is a great awakener because your linear mind quiets down, and you enter a purely intuitive state where you can better understand your emotions and other realms. Dreams are revolutionary states of consciousness that impart intuitive wisdom about being free.
Here’s a personal example. Once, I went through a period of complaining a lot when nothing was working. Projects were falling through, patients were canceling appointments, I couldn’t even get the plumber to come and fix the toilet. I was in victim mode. Then I had a dream in which my deceased father came to me, and he was moving from one location to another. I asked, “Daddy, is there anything I can get you?” Smiling, he said, “No, darling, I don’t need anything except a pen and a piece of paper in case I want to write a thank-you note.” For me, this was a wake-up call that highlighted the importance of gratefulness here and in the Hereafter. It was all I needed to adjust my attitude to being more grateful for my life.
Barbara: The world seems to get wackier and scarier every day. How can your book help us overcome fear during times of terrorism, economic turmoil, and natural disasters?
Judith Orloff MD: To be free, we must view fear as something to overcome, not something to be defeated by. When you see a world with so much to be afraid of—skyrocketing gas prices, the failing economy, and violence—you must chose not to come from fear. Part of emotional freedom is making a vow not to lead a fear-driven life. That must be a deep desire in your heart. Then do everything possible to overcome fear and worry with faith in goodness, and trying stay in the moment rather than catastrophizing the future. I’ll show you how to develop the courage to be centered and find non-fear based solutions to anything! Courage or fear is a choice. It’s not something that just happens to you.
Barbara: I love that you say emotional freedom offers us opportunities to be heroes in our own lives. Would you elaborate?
Judith Orloff MD: Absolutely. If you suffer loss, if you’re having an anxiety attack or feeling depressed or lonely—these are all very spiritual experiences to me. You become a hero in your own life as you learn to use emotions as a chance to become stronger, brighter, more. This is critical on a personal level because it frees you from suffering. But it’s just as important on a collective level because if we don’t face the fear and anger in ourselves, then we risk projecting it onto a global sphere. This creates war and massive suffering to our human family. We must find inner peace before we can have outer peace. That’s why I consider emotional freedom an inner peace movement.
Barbara Stahura, a freelance writer in Tucson, Arizona, has interviewed many of the major transformative individuals of our time including Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, and Wayne Dyer.
Judith Orloff MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, is author of the New York Times Bestseller Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness.
Please check out “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series” to find out more about the special method Dr. Orloff recommends to remember your dreams and other topics to build the power within. Stop by anytime.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 14, 2011
An Array of Powerful Techniques to Help Empathic People
Yvonne Perry's book, Whose Stuff Is This? thoroughly explains the whole process of being an empath in today's world. She provides cognitive, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual explanations for the origin of deep empathy, while sharing her own amazing story and the stories of others. This book offers an array of powerful techniques to help empathic people create healthy boundaries, stay balanced, and release other people's energy and emotions from their personal space. This book is a must read for anyone and everyone who is sensitive to the thoughts, moods and problems of those around them. ~ Gini Grey, transformational coach and author of the book, From Chaos to Calm: How to Shift Unhealthy Stress Patterns and Create Your Own Balance in Life
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 13, 2011
VIDEO: Understanding Your Energy Field: For Sensitives (HSP's) and Empaths
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 12, 2011
Gift of Intuition Reveals a Sister’s Secret
Iris is a very intuitive friend of mine, who often shares stories with me such as this one.
One afternoon, I was laying out on my hammock, rocking and praising God for such beautiful weather. As I dozed off in such peace, I saw a TV playing a video in the middle of an empty field. My older sister was the star of the movie and I saw her crying while sitting in a bathroom.
“I can’t believe this! What am I gonna do with this baby that isn't his?” She paced back and forth asking God the same thing over and over.
I heard a watery voice say to her, “Repent and sin no more. Leave the rest to God.”
To which she replied, “ Okay. I’ll go and get an abortion today.”
I was like, “Huh? Who said anything about an abortion?”
A while later, the birds chirping woke me up. As I peeled myself off the hammock, I remembered the dream, vision, or whatever it’s called. I immediately called my sister, whom I hadn’t spoken to in three years. When I told her my dream, she called me a liar.
“You shouldn’t make up stories like that.”
“I’m not making this up. I saw it in a dream.”
“Yeah, right. Janet told you.” My sister hung up on me.
Who the heck is Janet? I thought.
I called my sister back and left her a message. “Please, don’t have an abortion. If you do it will make your husband suspicious and he will hurt you. Just repent, sin no more, and trust God.”
My sister called me back later and said that she was going to keep the baby and leave her husband. That didn’t go over very well, and after two months of torture, fear, and pain, she had a miscarriage. Still to this day, she thinks her friend Janet told me about the pregnancy.
Iris’s psychic ability is not uncommon. Many intuitive or empathic people see visions or have dreams that give them information about someone or a situation of which they have no prior knowledge. This is one of the many ways the gift of intuition in regards to clairvoyance operates.
Clairvoyance has to do with vision. When the brain picks up a thought impulse, it is transmitted as a vision, symbol, image, or color using the mind's eye. The clairvoyant person may also have the ability to read auras—the energy surrounding a person.
Perhaps you are clairvoyant. Learn more about developing your intuition and progressing spiritually in my new book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. The paperback version is available at The e-book version is also available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
One afternoon, I was laying out on my hammock, rocking and praising God for such beautiful weather. As I dozed off in such peace, I saw a TV playing a video in the middle of an empty field. My older sister was the star of the movie and I saw her crying while sitting in a bathroom.
“I can’t believe this! What am I gonna do with this baby that isn't his?” She paced back and forth asking God the same thing over and over.
I heard a watery voice say to her, “Repent and sin no more. Leave the rest to God.”
To which she replied, “ Okay. I’ll go and get an abortion today.”
I was like, “Huh? Who said anything about an abortion?”
A while later, the birds chirping woke me up. As I peeled myself off the hammock, I remembered the dream, vision, or whatever it’s called. I immediately called my sister, whom I hadn’t spoken to in three years. When I told her my dream, she called me a liar.
“You shouldn’t make up stories like that.”
“I’m not making this up. I saw it in a dream.”
“Yeah, right. Janet told you.” My sister hung up on me.
Who the heck is Janet? I thought.
I called my sister back and left her a message. “Please, don’t have an abortion. If you do it will make your husband suspicious and he will hurt you. Just repent, sin no more, and trust God.”
My sister called me back later and said that she was going to keep the baby and leave her husband. That didn’t go over very well, and after two months of torture, fear, and pain, she had a miscarriage. Still to this day, she thinks her friend Janet told me about the pregnancy.
Iris’s psychic ability is not uncommon. Many intuitive or empathic people see visions or have dreams that give them information about someone or a situation of which they have no prior knowledge. This is one of the many ways the gift of intuition in regards to clairvoyance operates.
Clairvoyance has to do with vision. When the brain picks up a thought impulse, it is transmitted as a vision, symbol, image, or color using the mind's eye. The clairvoyant person may also have the ability to read auras—the energy surrounding a person.
Perhaps you are clairvoyant. Learn more about developing your intuition and progressing spiritually in my new book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. The paperback version is available at The e-book version is also available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 11, 2011
Radio Shows to Help Empaths
----- RADIO SHOWS -----
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
- Yvonne did an interview with Dr. Michael R Smith on We Are One in Spirit Podcast that will give you insight about why empaths are on earth and what our role is in the 2012 shift.
- Donna Seebo is a radio show host and empath. The Donna Seebo Show airs 3-4 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. Callers are welcome to call the worldwide toll-free number (888) 815-9756 during air time. All broadcasts are archived so you can listen to broadcasts any time.
- Garden of the Soul with host, author, transformation coach, and book promotion coach Lynn Serafinn This show offers a range of inspiring topics and special guests, exploring personal empowerment, life purpose, balance of mind, body and spirit, and how to tap into the inner hero that lies within every human being. Do you feel drained instead of inspired? You may be picking up detrimental energy from your environment and from others. Listen to this radio show with Lynn Serafinn and Yvonne Perry to learn more.
Listen to internet radio with Lynn Serafinn on Blog Talk Radio - Faith Ranoli’s Heal your home - transform your life! Radio Show airs each week at
- Harriette Knight’s Psychic & Healing Hour airs each Wednesday on BlogTalkRadio ( at 6 p.m. She gives free psychic readings on her radio show.
- Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND is the host of Just Energy Radio ( On each show, she provides guidance and advice on physical, emotional, work, and relationship problems.
- We Are One in Spirit discusses spiritual topics such as healing, metaphysics, energy modalities, ghosts, afterlife, near-death, and other spiritually transforming experiences. See
- An interview with Dr. Caron Goode and Yvonne Perry on Spiritus Blog. How empathy affects us and why we wrote a book about it.
- Joanne Sprott and Yvonne Perry on Beyond Words Radio Show at Believe in the Moment radio Learn how to recognize your own energy.
- Irene Conlan and Yvonne Perry on The Self Improvement Radio Show. If you don’t know why your mood suddenly changes from light and happy to sad when there is no reason to be sad, you don’t want to miss this informative interview on what it's like to be an untrained empath in today’s world. We explore how to know if you are empathic and how you can protect yourself from the onslaught of other’s thoughts and energy. The gift of empathy can be used to help others.
- Barbara Joye's interview with Yvonne Perry on Creative Cafe Radio Show:
- Faith Ranoli's interview with Yvonne Perry on Heart and Home Radio Show:
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 9, 2011
The Role Empaths Play on Earth
Being an empath is like being a channel of transmutation. We are here to convert darkness to light and raise the vibration of humanity, but we must learn how to let go of the energy we "filter" for people. This effort is not about doing protective rituals; it's about knowing your power and standing in it as you change your focus onto love and light, which raises your vibration.
I did an interview with Dr. Michael R Smith that will give you insight about this. Click
I did an interview with Dr. Michael R Smith that will give you insight about this. Click
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 8, 2011
Self-empowerment and Emotional Sanity
This book is a book about education, specifically about emotional education. The education that we are all lacking, the education that we all need desperately. In my experience, I have seen that we get lost by what we are feeling in our bodies because we are not used to listening to its messages. Therefore, we get confused, not really knowing what is going on, and in our confusion we usually blame ourselves.
Humanity has forgotten a very important fact that science is reminding us of more and more frequently:
The fact the we are swimming in an ocean of energy and that we are made out of pure energy ourselves!
So, having tools in knowing how to deal with this reality is crucial to living and enjoying a healthy life in this universe.
Thank you for putting together this practical guide to self empowerment and emotional sanity. We all need it!
~Luis Diaz, author of Memory in the Cells
Humanity has forgotten a very important fact that science is reminding us of more and more frequently:
The fact the we are swimming in an ocean of energy and that we are made out of pure energy ourselves!
So, having tools in knowing how to deal with this reality is crucial to living and enjoying a healthy life in this universe.
Thank you for putting together this practical guide to self empowerment and emotional sanity. We all need it!
~Luis Diaz, author of Memory in the Cells
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 7, 2011
VIDEO: Clearing Your Energy Field
Here is a video with some great tips for clearing your energy field (aura).
PURCHASE Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
PURCHASE Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 6, 2011
My Virtual Blog Tour for My Book, Whose Stuff Is This?: Finding Freedom from the Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, is Complete!
My virtual blog tour for my book, Whose Stuff Is This?: Finding Freedom from the Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, is complete. Here are the stops from the final week.
Monday, March 21 - Reno Lovison Marketing Communications Services presented an article titled “Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write.” I shared some of the mistakes I made in promoting my first two books and gave some tips on what to do to ensure the successful launch of your book. See Business Card to Business Blog:
Tuesday, March 22 - Anne Lyken-Garner has a media release about the many ways that we are connected: the air we breathe, our basic needs and physiology, and energetically/spiritually. No one feels the power of this connection more than the energy-sensitive people, who unknowingly pick up on the detrimental thoughts, feelings, and even the illnesses of others and their environment. Read more on Anne’s blog:
Wednesday, March 23 - Being empathic is not a burden you must bear anymore. You can learn to shut out unwanted energy and keep others from violating your personal boundaries. First, you have to set boundaries. Dr. Caron Goode, who wrote the foreword for the book, presented a book excerpt on her blog, Kids Who See Ghosts:
Thursday, March 24 - Faith Ranoli interviewed me on Heart and Home Radio Show about how as an intercessor, I picked up the illnesses and emotional pain of those I prayed for. Everyone is intuitive and has the small, still voice inside if we will just listen, but not everyone is empathic. Some are too empathic and allow compassion to go too far. Ranoli said of my book, “ Designed especially for empaths, this book teaches healthful living, good spiritual practices, and gives helpful tips for living a safe and energetically balanced life.” Listen to the interview at
Friday, March 25 - Vonnie Faroqui shared an article titled “Being Non-Resistant Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.” Being non-resistant is the embodiment of the often misunderstood feat of “turning the other cheek.” We’ve often thought that phrase meant that it is honorable to let people walk all over us. Turning the other cheek actually means standing in your place of power and letting things flow through you without getting stuck. Read more on Ink Slinger's Whimsey:
Monday, March 28 - Dr. Caron Goode shared an excerpt from my book. See Raising Intuitive Children blog: Caron and I believe this book will benefit many people and help get them moving toward better health and emotional balance. Bulk orders (10 or more) of this title are available at a discount to bookstores, counselors, and retailers who wish to offer the book to clients or resale the book. Contact us for the discount code.
To see all the tour stops go to
I am very thankful for all of you and the support everyone provided to help me launch my book. The tour went smoothly without a glitch; everyone posted the material we sent you on time, and we had some great comments from your readers. I hope you enjoyed being part of this networking activity and found it beneficial.
Gratefully Yours,
Yvonne Perry
Author of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You (
More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife (
The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children (
Owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (
Monday, March 21 - Reno Lovison Marketing Communications Services presented an article titled “Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write.” I shared some of the mistakes I made in promoting my first two books and gave some tips on what to do to ensure the successful launch of your book. See Business Card to Business Blog:
Tuesday, March 22 - Anne Lyken-Garner has a media release about the many ways that we are connected: the air we breathe, our basic needs and physiology, and energetically/spiritually. No one feels the power of this connection more than the energy-sensitive people, who unknowingly pick up on the detrimental thoughts, feelings, and even the illnesses of others and their environment. Read more on Anne’s blog:
Wednesday, March 23 - Being empathic is not a burden you must bear anymore. You can learn to shut out unwanted energy and keep others from violating your personal boundaries. First, you have to set boundaries. Dr. Caron Goode, who wrote the foreword for the book, presented a book excerpt on her blog, Kids Who See Ghosts:
Thursday, March 24 - Faith Ranoli interviewed me on Heart and Home Radio Show about how as an intercessor, I picked up the illnesses and emotional pain of those I prayed for. Everyone is intuitive and has the small, still voice inside if we will just listen, but not everyone is empathic. Some are too empathic and allow compassion to go too far. Ranoli said of my book, “ Designed especially for empaths, this book teaches healthful living, good spiritual practices, and gives helpful tips for living a safe and energetically balanced life.” Listen to the interview at
Friday, March 25 - Vonnie Faroqui shared an article titled “Being Non-Resistant Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.” Being non-resistant is the embodiment of the often misunderstood feat of “turning the other cheek.” We’ve often thought that phrase meant that it is honorable to let people walk all over us. Turning the other cheek actually means standing in your place of power and letting things flow through you without getting stuck. Read more on Ink Slinger's Whimsey:
Monday, March 28 - Dr. Caron Goode shared an excerpt from my book. See Raising Intuitive Children blog: Caron and I believe this book will benefit many people and help get them moving toward better health and emotional balance. Bulk orders (10 or more) of this title are available at a discount to bookstores, counselors, and retailers who wish to offer the book to clients or resale the book. Contact us for the discount code.
To see all the tour stops go to
I am very thankful for all of you and the support everyone provided to help me launch my book. The tour went smoothly without a glitch; everyone posted the material we sent you on time, and we had some great comments from your readers. I hope you enjoyed being part of this networking activity and found it beneficial.
Gratefully Yours,
Yvonne Perry
Author of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You (
More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife (
The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children (
Owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 5, 2011
Empathic Babies, Children, and Teens
Empathy is what makes other people matter to us and reminds us to acknowledge the people around us as we understand and share their feelings. Empathy exists in early mother-infant bonding. Even before birth, a baby in the womb is sensitive to the mother’s feelings, whether positive, neutral, or negative. Once born, a baby shows receptivity to both parents’ anger, tension, and depression, as well as their caring, responsiveness, and love. You’ve probably noticed how they imitate your facial expressions, smiling in response to your smile. They also may cry if they hear another baby cry. This type of response is a step in the development of empathy and the ability to share the feelings of another person.
Babies absorb the mental and emotional energy of the people around them. They don’t filter anything; they simply receive. As a child ages, this empathic tendency may increase and get out of control. Some children pick up the emotions, energy, or thoughts of others to the degree that it becomes overwhelming and interrupts the development of their social and emotional life. Because these children do not know how to set personal boundaries (or that they need to), they do not realize when they are in another person’s mental or emotional space, much less how invasive this can be to that person. It can also lower the child’s own vibrational level.
An empath is sensitive to what is obvious as well as unseen things such as ghosts and the thoughts, emotions, and illnesses they sense around them. Empaths may get hunches, see mental pictures, hear voices, or have a gut feeling that supplies hidden information about people and situations. They may also get a physical sensation in their body that lets them know where another person is afflicted or suffering.
You may have heard of Indigo Children or Crystal Kids who have intuitive gifts that surprise or even astound adults. These empathic children easily pick up on the feelings and thoughts of adults and others as they unconsciously reach into human and spirit energy fields to gather information and understand things around them. Seeing with their spiritual eyes, feeling with their spiritual senses, hearing with their spiritual ears, they may give information about a past life, tell of events before they happen, see ghosts, or know something about another person or situation that no one else does. Today, as many as one in four children have this ability and are tuned into the higher frequency all the time.
Being an empath is very draining for an adult. Just imagine what it feels like to be an intuitive or empathic child and not have the language to explain it to your parents or teachers. A child who is overloaded with the energy of others may have on-going illnesses, show depressive episodes, lash out in anger, cry without reason, or try to “fix” things between adults who argue or do not get along well. A child or teen who sees or hears in the spirit realm may act out because he or she feels overwhelmed and does not know how to express what he or she is experiencing. The problem is compounded when adults will not listen, try to hush the child, or refuse to believe the child’s report of psychic incidents.
We do our intuitive children a great injustice when we invalidate their experiences and intuitive abilities. But, many parents simply don't know what to do with kids who see or hear spirits, talk about a deceased relative they never met in body, give clues into past lives, predict future events, or know some family secret they haven’t been privy to. In some cases, the “hushing” parent also has some paranormal gifts in operation that he or she is not comfortable talking about—maybe they were shushed by their parents and are simply mimicking the parenting role model they were given. As parents, teachers, and counselors we need to teach children how to properly use this empathic gift, but many adults do not trust their own intuition much less recognize their children’s spiritual abilities. Empathic kids need someone they can talk to and they need information on how to keep their auras clear, to open and shut their intuitive abilities at will, and set energetic boundaries. But, where do adults go to learn how to help these empathic kids and teens?
The more you read and study this topic, the better you will be able to answer your children’s questions and help them manage their intuitive gifts. Dr. Caron Goode and I invite you to learn more about a book we have written. It is titled WHOSE STUFF IS THIS? Finding Freedom from the Detrimental Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You.You may purchase the paperback version at The e-book version is also available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Babies absorb the mental and emotional energy of the people around them. They don’t filter anything; they simply receive. As a child ages, this empathic tendency may increase and get out of control. Some children pick up the emotions, energy, or thoughts of others to the degree that it becomes overwhelming and interrupts the development of their social and emotional life. Because these children do not know how to set personal boundaries (or that they need to), they do not realize when they are in another person’s mental or emotional space, much less how invasive this can be to that person. It can also lower the child’s own vibrational level.
An empath is sensitive to what is obvious as well as unseen things such as ghosts and the thoughts, emotions, and illnesses they sense around them. Empaths may get hunches, see mental pictures, hear voices, or have a gut feeling that supplies hidden information about people and situations. They may also get a physical sensation in their body that lets them know where another person is afflicted or suffering.
You may have heard of Indigo Children or Crystal Kids who have intuitive gifts that surprise or even astound adults. These empathic children easily pick up on the feelings and thoughts of adults and others as they unconsciously reach into human and spirit energy fields to gather information and understand things around them. Seeing with their spiritual eyes, feeling with their spiritual senses, hearing with their spiritual ears, they may give information about a past life, tell of events before they happen, see ghosts, or know something about another person or situation that no one else does. Today, as many as one in four children have this ability and are tuned into the higher frequency all the time.
Being an empath is very draining for an adult. Just imagine what it feels like to be an intuitive or empathic child and not have the language to explain it to your parents or teachers. A child who is overloaded with the energy of others may have on-going illnesses, show depressive episodes, lash out in anger, cry without reason, or try to “fix” things between adults who argue or do not get along well. A child or teen who sees or hears in the spirit realm may act out because he or she feels overwhelmed and does not know how to express what he or she is experiencing. The problem is compounded when adults will not listen, try to hush the child, or refuse to believe the child’s report of psychic incidents.
We do our intuitive children a great injustice when we invalidate their experiences and intuitive abilities. But, many parents simply don't know what to do with kids who see or hear spirits, talk about a deceased relative they never met in body, give clues into past lives, predict future events, or know some family secret they haven’t been privy to. In some cases, the “hushing” parent also has some paranormal gifts in operation that he or she is not comfortable talking about—maybe they were shushed by their parents and are simply mimicking the parenting role model they were given. As parents, teachers, and counselors we need to teach children how to properly use this empathic gift, but many adults do not trust their own intuition much less recognize their children’s spiritual abilities. Empathic kids need someone they can talk to and they need information on how to keep their auras clear, to open and shut their intuitive abilities at will, and set energetic boundaries. But, where do adults go to learn how to help these empathic kids and teens?
The more you read and study this topic, the better you will be able to answer your children’s questions and help them manage their intuitive gifts. Dr. Caron Goode and I invite you to learn more about a book we have written. It is titled WHOSE STUFF IS THIS? Finding Freedom from the Detrimental Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You.You may purchase the paperback version at The e-book version is also available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
and Teens,
Empathic Babies,
Empathy Article
April 4, 2011
Resources for Empaths: Books, E-books, and Audio Books
- Navigating 2012: Thriving in Earth's New Age by Dr. Michael R. Smith
- 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home by Tisha Morris
- 40 Days to Personal Revolution: A Breakthrough Program to Radically Change Your Body and Awaken the Sacred Within Your Soul by Baron Baptiste
- An A-Z Aromatherapy by Patricia Davis
- Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4 by Rita Louise
- An Insiders Guide to Ghosts, Spirits and Attached Entities . See
- Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
- Celebration of Breath Rebirthing, Book II How to Survive Anything and Heal Your Body by Sondra Ray
- Complete Aromatherapy Handbook Essential Oils for Radiant Health by Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
- Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster by Anna Maria Prezio
- Conscious Breathing Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and Personal Mastery by Gay Hendrick
- Dark Angels: An Insider’s Guide to Ghosts, Spirits, and Attached Entities by Dr. Rita Louise
- Emotional Health: The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, & Pain - Part 1 of 3 [e-book] by Michael Lawrience
- Emotional Health: The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, & Pain - Part 2 of 3 [e-book] by Michael Lawrience
- Emotional Health: The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, & Pain - Part 3 of 3 [e-book] by Michael Lawrience
- Emotional Freedom Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life by Judith Orloff
- Empath Intuition: Using Your Body as an Oracle [Audiobook] by Dr. Michael R. Smith
- Flower Essences for Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz
- From Chaos to Calm How to Shift Unhealthy Stress Patterns and Create Your Ideal Balance in Life by Gini Grey
- Handbook of Moral Development by Melanie Killen (Psychology)
- Healing Herbs by Frank J Lipp
- Intuitive Healing by Judith Orloff
- Mirroring People: The Science of Empathy and How We Connect with Others by Marco Iacoboni Picador
- Moving Toward Balance 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee
- Positive Energy by Judith Orloff
- Raising Intuitive Children by Dr. Caron Goode
- Rebirthing in the New Age by Leonard Orr
- Roots of Empathy Changing the World by Child Mary Gordon
- Seasons of Aromatherapy, Hundreds of Recipes and Sensory Suggestions by Judith Fitzsimmons
- Second Sight by Judith Orloff
- Teaching Empathy, A Blueprint for Caring compiled by David A Levine
- The Age of Empathy Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society by Frans de Waal
- The Astonishing Power of Emotions Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness by Dacher Keltner
- The Empath Experience: Shifting the Paradigm [Audiobook] by Dr. Michael R. Smith
- The Empathic Civilization The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis by Jeremy Rifkin
- The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
- The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N Aron, PhD
- The Pleiadian Workbook by Amora Quan Yin
- The Social Neuroscience of Empathy by Jean Decety and William Ickes
- When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits by Mary Ann Winkowski
- The Power Within: A Psychic Healing Primer by Dr. Rita Louise
April 3, 2011
Radio Shows & Interviews to Help Empaths Develop Their Gift
----- RADIO SHOWS -----
Donna Seebo is a radio show host and empath. The Donna Seebo Show airs 3-4 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. Callers are welcome to call the worldwide toll-free number (888) 815-9756 during air time. All broadcasts are archived so you can listen to broadcasts any time. of the Soul with host, author, transformation coach, and book promotion coach Lynn Serafinn This show offers a range of inspiring topics and special guests, exploring personal empowerment, life purpose, balance of mind, body and spirit, and how to tap into the inner hero that lies within every human being.
Faith Ranoli’s Heal your home - transform your life! Radio Show airs each week at
Harriette Knight’s Psychic & Healing Hour airs each Wednesday on BlogTalkRadio ( at 6 p.m. She gives free psychic readings on her radio show.
The Hillary Raimo Show airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on Achieve Radio. She also offers healing sessions, UNtrainings, and metaphysical trips. See
Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND is the host of Just Energy Radio ( On each show, she provides guidance and advice on physical, emotional, work, and relationship problems.
We Are One in Spirit discusses spiritual topics such as healing, metaphysics, energy modalities, ghosts, afterlife, near-death, and other spiritually transforming experiences. See
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings,and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
April 2, 2011
How does self care come into play when dealing with empathy?
An empath tends to be somewhat of a caretaker. We have such a desire to please and help others, we often do so at the expense of our own health. When an empath is feeling overwhelmed, there is a good chance that he or she is not spending time caring for their own needs. There are times when we must have the courage to say "no," when called upon to give away our resources. It's okay to let others take care of themselves as much as possible. It's okay to ask others to help you!
Extend patient, loving attention to yourself by setting aside time for spiritual renewal, to read, or do a craft or project you enjoy. Find some place where you can be alone in nature to refresh your own batteries. Do some type of physical exercise to keep the energy flowing in your body. Care for yourself the way you do others.
A healthy relationship is a two-way venture where receiving is equal to giving. Let your friends pamper you from time to time.
When you treat yourself with compassion, you offer yourself a supportive emotional environment that allows you to overcome past patterns and challenges to step into the positive change that you are seeking and deserve!
Extend patient, loving attention to yourself by setting aside time for spiritual renewal, to read, or do a craft or project you enjoy. Find some place where you can be alone in nature to refresh your own batteries. Do some type of physical exercise to keep the energy flowing in your body. Care for yourself the way you do others.
A healthy relationship is a two-way venture where receiving is equal to giving. Let your friends pamper you from time to time.
When you treat yourself with compassion, you offer yourself a supportive emotional environment that allows you to overcome past patterns and challenges to step into the positive change that you are seeking and deserve!
April 1, 2011
Empath Guidebook at Bookstores in Nashville
By request, my book is now for sale at these bookstores in Nashville:
Cosmic Connections
1701 Portland Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Center of Symmetry
212 Louise Ave
Nashville, TN 37203
I will be giving lectures at both of these locations in April and May. Subscribe to this blog to be sure you get the notice about these events.
Cosmic Connections
1701 Portland Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Center of Symmetry
212 Louise Ave
Nashville, TN 37203
I will be giving lectures at both of these locations in April and May. Subscribe to this blog to be sure you get the notice about these events.
PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You online at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
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