January 20, 2013

Is Being a Highly-Sensitive Person a Blessing or a Curse?

The gift of empathy is a blessing that can seem like a curse when we don't understand how to use it. This intuitive ability to feel energy is actually a divine gift that allows us to use our body as a guidance tool and to know what is energetically going on around us.

The problem is, the body is not designed to run emotional energy--only true feelings (learn the difference between emotions and feelings)--but our world has taught us to meddle in everyone's business but our own and this is how we get into trouble. Other people need to have their own experience in order to learn and take responsibility for what they are creating. You don't need to fix anything for them--only fix what is yours!

I know this is going to sound really strange, but you are the creator of your own reality and life experiences. We've been taught that God imposes his will upon us, but the truth is the Universe/God is going to support you in whatever decisions you make. We are working with energy--everything is energy. If you don't like what you've created, you can create something new starting this very moment.

It's a matter of setting clear boundaries to not allow your energy to roam into the field of another person. Every thought and emotion you send out to another person has the ability to transfer energy to/from them. If you are not putting your own needs first and filling yourself up with God Source energy, then this exchange can make you feel drained by others. Therefore, self-love must be your primary goal. This is what puts you in touch with God and your body, which is the temple or vehicle for Spirit to work through.

If you are having problems managing emotional energy, I would be happy to do some coaching with you. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services/coaching for details.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon.
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices on Smashwords.com. Get the PDF on the author's website: WeAreOneinSpirit.com.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

The author, Yvonne Perry, is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services/coaching/ for information about a free 15-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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