May 28, 2012

Just Be Still

Wait in silence and just be still. The presence of the Divine Love will come to you.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

May 24, 2012

Yvonne Perry's New Book is Here!

And, now! The moment we've all been waiting for! My new book is now available on Amazon as a paperback and for the Kindle Reader! 

Read the foreword to the book now!

Do you feel like a misfit in your own life and body? Maybe you awoke from a strange dream too vivid not to be real. Have you survived a near-death experience, had an out-of-body occurrence, or dissociative episode, or soul exchange? Others may have noticed the change and made comments like, “You act like a totally different person.” Inwardly, you may be confused, overly sensitive, or so anxious it feels as though your nervous system has been hooked to an electric power line.

Perhaps your soul has received a download from an ascended master, or your twin flame has merged with your energy. Might that explain the ascension symptoms and sudden changes?

Regardless of what has happened, you may need help integrating these higher frequencies that are now available to you. Shifting into Purer Consciousness can help you manage the physical and emotional symptoms associated with rapid spiritual progress.

You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response known as ascension symptoms. What if a multidimensional form of yourself—from a realm with a purer consciousness—has arrived to guide you through the challenging times we are facing?

Read reviews for this book now!

In Shifting into Purer Consciousness, Yvonne Perry will share her story about how she learned to integrate the accelerated energies of a more evolved version of her soul that merged with the soul that originally incarnated in her human body. Once she learned to manage the human experience of spiritual transformation, she became active in working to anchor her light body and help the earth and others ascend.

Listen to author interviews about this topic now!

While this book can benefit any spiritual seeker, it is intended to help those who are fearful of the future due to having been indoctrinated by fear-based religions that teach a dreadful end of time. So many of these dear ones are having experiences that do not align with their religious dogma and they are searching for answers. Shifting into Purer Consciousness provides support for those who want to take their spiritual path up an octave. This book will be filled with tips on how to make the ascension process easier and quicker.

Purchase the book now!

See other books by Yvonne Perry at

May 14, 2012

Ways to Ground and Center Your Energy

A few months ago Sheryl Glick was my guest on We Are One in Spirit Podcast. She spoke about empaths managing energy. I’ll share a few highlights from that interview here and you may listen to the entire interview at

Sheryl: Before I go into any challenging situation, let’s say I’m going to a meeting where there is going to be some confrontation, I ground myself visualizing ropes from my feet and hips going down into the ground and anchoring myself. Then, breathing up the divine energy of the earth and bringing down energy from above, I closed my chakras so that I as a sensitive will not feel every bit of anger or discouragement from other people in the meeting.

Depending on how toxic the environment might be, I put armor. Think of Joan of Arc, a beautiful girl long ago who was so bold and beautiful. She listened to spirit to know what she had to do for her life pattern. She used armor across her chakras, across her chest, her heart, her solar plexus, and over her third eye. I ask my guides and other vibrational beings, loved ones, angels, whoever walks with me, to be around me and help me listen and give out whatever input necessary at the time, and to pay attention to any signs from people who need a little help. If I can be of help, I will certainly give it but my physical being is protected, my energy is strong, and no matter how toxic or what kind of energy I am safe. I’m not going to pick up energy from people who are very needy and don’t know how to get energy from above. Those who are not in alignment with Spirit think that they will feel better taking energy from someone else or upsetting someone else who has a strong sense of self. These are energy vampires. They want to feel good, healthy, happy, and strong like spiritually-minded people. They just don’t know how to do it yet. They are just functioning at a lower level and they need help to come up but you certainly can’t change them. They have to change themselves and they have to want to make the shift. But you can be an example to show them how to be strong and courageous and protect yourself.

Yvonne: I like to do a meditation as well as grounding and centering. Grounding and centering is of vital importance to those who are empaths. It’s a tool of standard equipment you must have.

Sheryl: You can put yourself in a cylinder of light. You can picture yourself in an elevator of Plexiglas. You can think of yourself washing out the toxins like being in a waterfall in nature and letting everything that does not pertain to your thoughts and other people’s behavior just float out of you. There are many different ways but they do work. I have learned how powerful these visualizations and concentrated thoughts for protecting yourself. You can be the healthy vibrant soul that you’re going to be and the other influences will not influence you so much.

Yvonne: Exactly. Instead of putting up walls, you’re just setting healthy energetic boundaries. The same you would do when you lock your doors at night before you go to bed. You put whatever measures in place you need to protect yourself.

Sheryl: Yes, to be comfortable, so we’re at ease and there is no disease. Disease really is just discomfort in the body. It comes from thoughts and patterns in behavior that we learned from others that were not good for us so we have to let go of all that. We have got to return to our own destiny and our pattern of life and what we came here to do. To fill our promises to those in spirit and when we return to them and say we gave it our all that’s all we really need to do and give it a good shot.

Yvonne: Thank you so much for sharing with us today, Sheryl. It’s such a wonderful insight. Thank you all for participating in this call and Sheryl for answering questions and giving us some interesting food for thought.

Sheryl: Let’s all be grateful for the life we have and the people we have in our life. Instead of concentrating on our challenges, let’s look for the positive. Let’s look for the good in people. Let’s look for the good in ourselves, and love ourselves so we know we’re doing the best we can and accentuate the positive. This message came from my mom this week. What you put your energy into what you put your thoughts. This manifests quickly so we don’t want to accentuate anything that we don’t feel will be best for ourselves and for others.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

May 8, 2012

Empaths and the Right Use of Energy

Training or draining. That’s the difference. An empath being drained can become an empowered empath through training to work with energy.

The right use of energy is all about cooperating with the law of attraction. We attract by default whether we intend to or not. We attract by our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, emotions, and words. The energetic frequency we’re sending to the universe says, “I want more of this: _______.”

So if you are worrying, you’re going to attract things that are a product of worry. If you are joyful you will attract more joy. If you are in a state of retaliation, then you’re going to attract more skirmishes. It’s when you get back into your heart center—that space where divine loves abides within you, that there’s no conflict. It’s all peace, love, light, health, joy, wealth, and prosperity. Everything begins to flow easily because you’re working with rather than against the universal laws of God. These apply to everyone regardless of background or religious beliefs, whether or not people recognize or notice the effects. The law of sowing and reaping is an energetic universal law. You get it back what you put out. So anytime you have something in your life that you don’t want, look at what you’re putting out. Energetically. What are you generating with your thoughts? What are you affirming with your beliefs? Those are the things that you are going to get back. If you are in that heart place center and you just send beams of love and light, guess what comes back to you? Beams of love and light!

Living in the joy of the now moment is really not as hard as we make it out to be. We say but there’s this problem or there’s that person in the way. No that’s a lie you are fabricating to keep from taking personal responsibility for your own behavior—including what you entertain in your mind and the limiting fear-based beliefs that are ruling your life. Those things are fabricated by our thoughts and beliefs, attitudes and feelings—by our domestication as Don Miguel Ruiz says in The Four Agreements.

Well we’re all in process; we’re all learning. Whatever we can do to share love and help one another, that’s what we want to do. Even though it may seem that I am preaching at you, I’m really trying to help you see that you are not a victim destined to a negative outcome. You have the power to change your own life. Once you learn to go within and commune with the divine wisdom available in the sacred heart, you can let that powerful energy flow from the highest source (your divine connection) and enjoy life. Then, you’ll have fewer problems as an empath.

Guard your heart, thoughts, and attitudes diligently. As the angels to help you change your detrimental beliefs and habits. It’s time for you to become an empowered person in control of your own destiny.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

May 7, 2012

Empaths Learning to Manage Energy

A few months ago Sheryl Glick was my guest on We Are One in Spirit Podcast. She spoke about empaths managing energy. I’ll share a few highlights from that interview here and you may listen to the entire interview at

Sheryl: There’s so much interest now in nutrition and exercise, walking, being in nature, listening to music, eliminating stress. These are all beginning awarenesses to understanding that we are energy beings having a physical life. We need to find ways to make ourselves thrive. The definition of healing is a multi-dimensional process. We work with spirit for our healing. We’re not just working with medical people, medicines, and surgeries to heal our physical body. We’re working with people in the spirit realm who are helping us learn more about ourselves through our strengths and our possibilities for growth on all levels. It’s not just about ridding the body of disease symptoms; it’s about incorporating all aspects of our physical and spiritual needs and embracing all situations, no matter how difficult. They come to us as an opportunity to grow our levels of courage, honesty, integrity, and love. Our level of loving is an indicator of true healing. That’s when the mind body and spirit cooperate.

Yvonne: Healing is not just the absence of symptoms, it’s the whole body well-being. The mind-body-spirit well-being, which means having peace no matter what the circumstances we are in.

Sheryl: Right, and allowing and accepting any challenge that comes without saying, “Why me?” and blaming other people. It’s about going beyond judgment to say, “This is my journey and if Spirit has given me this—whatever event we are involved in—there is a reason for it and I’m going to do the best I can to make choices to help myself and help others.” That’s healing. That’s being confident in who you are, loving your life, loving people in spirit, loving people here and not being afraid to lose anything. You never really lose anything. Every loss or when a person leaves your life is another opportunity for you to experience new people and new understandings and to grow, expand, and evolve. That’s what we’re here in this life to do.

Yvonne: Sheryl you mentioned that you’ve learned as an empath how to protect yourself. If you could share a tip or two on how you protect yourself when you are in a public place where there is a lot of energy brewing about around you. That means staying in integrity during trials.

Carol (a listener calling in): Look at the ugliness with the banking fraud going on globally right now and corruption in general. No matter what it looks like we have to keep our integrity, our connection to spirit, our sense of love and what’s right.

Sheryl: We’re all very concerned about the changes coming now in 2012. There’s a big shift in people’s DNA. Originally, we had 12 spirals to our DNA when life was more peaceful before all this technological input, before people became so greedy, corrupt, and we had all these scandals in all areas of life: educational, financial, religious. We’re riddled with scandal and corruption right now. There is going to be a return; there’s a change going on and physical life is shifting into a spiritual higher consciousness. It’s happening now. We must be aware of what we know to be correct in order to be conscious citizens to the universe—not just of our little home or town or country—but to the world. And beyond this world but universally, as there are dimensions beyond Earth life. Some people understand energy and understand life after death and understand the progression of the evolution of humanity. Science and spirituality are merging. One is no better than the other; they are equally looking for an answer to who we are, what life is all about, and where we return upon dying.
I was told by my mother in spirit through a medium years ago. She said to me, you have honesty and you have integrity, so stop thinking with your mind. Use your heart and you will be a medium. When she was alive my mother would not have said anything like that or even understood it, but now she’s giving me permission through spirit to go ahead and develop a talent that I didn’t even know I had. It gave me permission to use it to help other people understand more about themselves.

People are awakening to their own energy as a soul being and know that we’re connected to each other. Yes, everyone is connected in the universe. We are in this oneness, like the name of this show says We Are One in Spirit, and one in humanity. We need to treat each other cooperatively instead of through competition and divisiveness. We need to come together in love and harmony. There are a lot of people now finding this path and I trust it will make the shift necessary to change these institutions that have lost their way.

There is nothing to worry about. There is enough of us awakening to the light and vibration of higher energy to get things back on track, and that’s just what we’re doing by talking today.

Yvonne: I’m writing a book called Shifting into Purer Consciousness. It’s all about the 2012 shift and how it’s affecting empaths and people known as walk-ins or those who have received a download of their higher self. When faster-vibrating cosmic energy comes into the Earth plane, as it has been for several years now, it sometimes upsets our entire apple cart until we learn how to integrate those higher vibrations. These energies are being sent to us and we are to employ them to help make the shift in human consciousness happen.

Sheryl: Also my book, Whispers from Spirit, is also a way for people to see that they need to align to higher energy for all positive interactions with other people and to stop taking energy from others because it never works that way. You cannot take what is not yours. The law of attraction says that what you give out is what you receive. To allow the energy to download from Spirit to us we can have an abundant life. We can a healthy vibrant and joyful experience, but too many people live in fear of not having enough in this physical world. So, they are busy blaming, judging others, and taking from others. This is what has caused all these institutions to flounder. So we are here to help people return to their connection to divine energy, which will ultimately clear out a lot of this negative input and vibration. We can’t be with people who are vibrating at a low level or acting at that level. We need to be with people who are more in line with Spirit so we can create this higher vibration and make the changes that are necessary right now at this time.

Yvonne: Right! We’re shifting from a male dominant viewpoint, which is consumerism, greed, competition in a “gimmie gimmie’ mindset, and we’re moving more into a matriarchal divine mother energy that is nurturing, cooperative, and community oriented where everyone is respected and treated equal.

Sheryl: Yes we’re going from a self-absorption ego-minded and dominating energy to a more cooperative, compassionate, loving, and nurturing energy. This goes for men too. Men are going to have a little bit of a harder time because they don’t have the same essence of spiritual energy but they are going to do it too. Not all of them of course.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

May 1, 2012

10 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices. Also check out the audio book now available as an MP3 file.

How to Go Within

You’ve probably heard it mentioned many times that we need to look within ourselves for the answers to life’s questions. But how do you go within? That puzzled me for a long time and now I have discovered a method that works for me. I’d like to share it today.
The heart center, the heart chakra is a very strong and powerful. It’s probably the most powerful chakra is our entire body and one of the most important organs in our physical body. Just focusing our energy on our heart center allows us to go within. When I do a heart-centered meditation, I see a ball of beautiful light, all different colors of light within my chest. I place my hand on my chest and focus on that light and see it and expanding into my aura. Immediately I begin to relax and get into the now moment, into that place of quietness. Next, I begin to notice my breath and consciously control the rhythm so I take five breaths per minute. That means six slow counts on the inhale, and six counts on the exhale. In less than three minutes I begin to feel grounded and centered and my mind slows down so I can receive a message from Spirit about what I need to do next. 
There is a site, that has thirteen rooms that you can visit to breathe in synchronicity with other people. You can change the color, change the sounds, and watch sacred geometry unfold before your eyes. There’s even a room where you can chant om. It’s a beautiful place to meditate, practice your breathing with people who want world peace. We want people to stop suffering. We want to see the new heaven and the new Earth ushered in. This new kingdom within us and what it can manifest externally.

Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now, comes to mind because he talks about how in the now moment, there is nothing troubling me. There are no problems of any kind. It’s when I think of the future or allow my mind to go backwards in time that I have problems. When I see outside of myself, I have problems; but when I’m in this now moment centered in sacred heart knowledge of the divine and bathing in unconditional love there are no problems. When you operate from this place within as Jesus did, you don’t take on the other stuff. Oh, you’re aware of it and you know when somebody is trying to tap into your energy field, but you don’t allow it. 

The past doesn’t exist nor does the future. If we stay connected to our experience right now, then we’re not giving ourselves away to the past nor dragged into the stress that’s caused by looking at possible future events that may or may not ever come to pass. You are using your energy in a wrong way. The correct use of energy is live in the present moment. Energy follows thought so if we are thinking future tense or if we are thinking past tense we are sending our energy out and away from us rather than using it to be present in this moment. When we are in that “now moment” we are collecting energy and bringing it into ourselves. There’s so much power in group thought. That’s why I think it’s so important for us to pray for one another or come together in sacred circles to meditate. Meditation brings us into purer thoughts of the divine mind and heart; it brings us to the now moment where we can find the strength. When we channel group thought from this place, we can affect positive change in the world.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.