May 27, 2011

Empaths R Us Series

Continuing with our reposting Conduit of Joy’s Empaths R Us Series today, well-known psychiatrist Dr. Judith Orloff gives her input by answering the same questions several other empaths including me (Yvonne Perry) have answered. Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and author of the New York Times and international bestseller, Emotional Freedom. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Orloff blends her traditional medical skills with intuition to enhance patient care. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to achieve physical and emotional healing. She passionately asserts that we have the power to transform negative emotions and achieve inner peace. Dr. Orloff’s site can be accessed here. Read the article here:

Welcome again to the “Empaths R Us” interview series of empaths.

Today and I am honoured to be posting an interview with Dr. Judith Orloff. (I’m even more honoured as I know she was in the middle of a book tour and had very little time, but she managed to complete this interview).
Empath means “becoming one”. Empaths have the ability to become one with something (humans, animals, crystals, environment, etc.) How would you describe the kind of empath you are?

In Emotional Freedom, I talk about an emotional type called an Emotional Empath. This is someone who is sensitive, loving, intuitive but they are an emotional sponge. They can absorb the stress and negative energy of the world into their own bodies and get exhausted. That’s why I’ve had to practice the strategies in the book in my own life to set clear limits and boundaries with people.

How would you describe your most dominant empath skill?

Sensing what people are feeling emotionally in my own body.

At what age did you consciously become aware that you were more sensitive than others?

As a young child, 7 or 8. I couldn’t go in crowded shopping malls without feeling exhausted or picking up aches or pains I didn’t have before.

How did this empathic ability affect your childhood?

I had no idea what my empathy meant so I was confused and blamed myself for being overly sensitive. My doctor-mother told me “get a thicker skin” which made me feel like I had done something wrong and had to change.

How did your parents or family reaction to your hypersensitivity?
They wanted me to toughen up.
Did your view of your empathy change as you became an adult?

Now I see it as a great gift but I’ve learned how to protect my energy and empathy with the techniques I share in Emotional Freedom. It lets me be passionate, go deep, have compassion with people, experience the nuance of life to the fullest. It also helps me as a psychiatrist have more empathy and compassion with my patients.
At what age did you fully realize what being an empath meant?

In my thirties.

What did you feel like when you realized that there were other empaths in the world?

I felt I was okay and wasn’t so alone or considering myself weird. Now Emotional Freedom gives that sense of being understood to other empaths out there. Empaths need to unite and support one another

How would you say this empathic ability shaped your life overall?
It has made me more sensitive as a psychiatrist, more intuitive, more loving, and able to set clear health limits and boundaries. As an author of Emotional Freedom it has allowed me to help empaths all over the world come into their own power!

Do you consciously use your empathic skills in how you make a living?
Yes, I use it as a psychiatrist with patients every moment and also as a speaker I use it to tune in and empathize with groups.
What are the best techniques that you have found to keep your emotional boundaries intact with others?
Learn that “no is a complete sentence”.

What is your favourite thing about being an empath?

Connecting with the ecsatatic forces of nature.

What is your least favourite thing about being an empath?

Being around chronic talkers. In Emotional Freedom I have a chapter on Emotional Vampires, people who suck your energy dry. All empaths should read that chapter so they know how to handle these people and not be drained.

What is your best piece of advice for other empaths?
You are beautiful!
Develop your sensitivities but practice the strategies in Emotional Freedom to protect your empathy and energy.
Dr. Orloff invites you learn more about helping yourself as an empath, by reading the information in her book “Emotional Freedom.”

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