The part of his letter really that touched my heart was when he said he thought his desires weren’t answered by God or Jesus, or the Universe because he’s not as good a Christian as he used to be. He also wondered if there might be some sort of black cloud or curse that keeps his deepest desires and prayers from being answered.
First, let me say that there is no condemnation in Christ. You do not need to feel guilty for anything or punish yourself for what you have or have not done in the past. Only this moment matters and this NOW point is where you begin your new life.
Humans have free will, which means we can choose and create the life we want and the Universe will support us on that path. The Universe is impartial about the nature of our requests and will give us exactly what we believe we can have. It's a matter of clearly stating what we want, and feeling as if it has already occurred, that will help us manifest positive change.
I recommend Greg Braden's book, Spontaneous Healing of Belief
The entire earth is going through a shift in consciousness. Egypt took action to get out from under the oppression she had been under for eons. The people became so dissatisfied with how things were, they overcame their fears (even of death) and allowed their new-found bravery to carry them through on the wings of a miracle. This is a physical manifestation that represents what all of us long for—freedom to be who we truly are and live a fulfilling life. That same miracle is waiting to fly us to our dreams.
The economy is another manifestation that shows how our thinking is changing on a broad scale. We are done with being under the burdens someone else has imposed upon us—whether that is our government, our family of origin, or our limiting beliefs passed to us from religion. We are gaining our courage to say "no" to whatever robs us of our joy. These internal and external shifts are bringing understanding and insight of what we need to do next to reach our goals. The collective desire of humans is desperately reaching for healing and freedom. The momentum is already in place, so we simply need to jump in and say, “Me too!”.
We all have dark clouds or shadow sides that must be brought to the light. Feeling guilty or ashamed or like you should be punished for "sins" is a lie of the ego (some call it the devil, but I’ll let you decide what you believe about that). It serves no good purpose. Every creation of God/Goddess deserves to enjoy the best life possible. As we release our wounds of the past, we let go of burdens and begin to see a bright future ahead for us as individuals, families, and the earth.
No worries about your age. You have the rest of your earth years to bring about your new prosperous and happy lifetime. I turned 40 the year I began my breakthrough. My life looked like a total mess at the time, but I kept pushing through the hard crust like a seeding trying to reach the sunlight.
Things are sprouting and opening up for everyone who is willing to give change a chance, so don't give up. Pursue your personal healing for this is where the miracle begins. The depression we feel is simply a catalyst for change. Sometimes we only change when it becomes too uncomfortable to stay where and how we are.
The change we desire is possible, but our focus needs to be on clearing and decluttering our emotional and mental fields so the light can shine through and direct you. The exercises in my book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You ( can help.
We are the only species who prevents our own success. But, we can also make miracles happen.
Hugs, love, and light for all!
SAD used to spoil my life several years ago. However, I managed to find some methods suitable for me presonally so that it could be more bearable. Here're they: