June 11, 2014

Replay of Empowering Hour with Empaths

How Much Wholeness and Ecstasy Can You Stand?

What a terrific call we had on Empowering Hour with Empaths on Tuesday!

Veronica O’Grady explained why we really don’t need to guard our hearts and put up walls to protect ourselves as empaths. Instead, we can explore how we really feel and allow a cleansing/clearing to take place by allowing the energy to come up and be dealt with. When we take down the walls around our hearts or say goodbye to energy that no longer serves us, we will begin to feel lighter and more whole. However, before that happens, this leaving and unweaving may create a feeling of loss or grief. Rest assured that the heart space is filling up with light; and soon, the only protection you will need is to set boundaries with energy by simply using your intention and words.

Are you energetically picking up on the history of the land whenever you enter a property? Many empaths are aware of disembodied souls; however, they may not realize that they are clearing the souls that are trapped in the plane between the Earth and the soul’s resting place in the afterlife. Learning to consciously participate in crossing souls over to the light will lessen the detrimental energy that you pick up in your field. Yvonne shares her story about crossing over souls from the Civil War and those who committed suicide at a particular location.

What is love and what is strength? What is doubt and what is fear? Veronica explains the difference between these.

Listen to the June 10 replay of Empowering Hour with Empaths at http://weare1inspirit.com/replays-for-empowering-hour-with-empaths
Veronica and I always appreciate your input and feedback on these calls, so speak up and let us know what you would like to talk about. Send questions ahead of time and we will put your concerns on the agenda so we are sure to address them.

PURCHASE the paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at http://tinyurl.com/EmpathAmazon.
The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices on Smashwords.com. Get the PDF on the author's website: WeAreOneinSpirit.com.
Why not have someone read the book to you? Check out the audio book MP3 file version.

The author, Yvonne Perry, is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services/coaching/ for information about a free 15-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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