August 22, 2011

Are Autistic Children Empathic?

Many empaths have children who are also empathic. For this reason, our free training for empaths in September will have two sessions for parenting these gifted children.

Dr. Caron Goode is a psychologist and parent coach for parents wishing to create and maintain a nurturing relationship their children. She is the author of Raising Intuitive Children and Kids who See Ghosts ~ Guide Them Through Their Fear. On September 20 at 3 p.m. Central Time, she will present information about working with intuitive children who have the gift of empathy.  Learn more about Caron at

Also making a presentation on September 20 is Suzy Miller, the visionary founder of Blue Star Brilliance LLC and author of AWESOMISM: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism. After a 22-year career as a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy met a four-year old child diagnosed with autism who was destined to change not only the way she viewed autism, but life in general. This powerful interaction left her with the skill of telepathy, which she uses to communicate with the highest aspects of we are, bringing awareness and integration of those higher aspects of self into our daily lives.  She will be presenting AUTISM: A POSTIVE STEP IN HUMAN EVOLUTION.Learn more about Suzy at

PURCHASE paperback book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You at The e-book version is now available for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, and other digital reading devices.

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